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Regulus' POV:

I've skipped class the whole week, I was in bed all day, overthinking every little thing that happened with Y/N since the very first time I answered her letter.

I couldn't skip more otherwise I would get detention and I really didn't want to, so I went to class and continued overthinking instead of listen to what the teachers were saying.
I wasn't taking notes either, the only things that ended up on my paper were my thoughts.

Until that one bitch took my paper and read it out loud.

"-Two weeks. Not back yet. Infirmary? Room? Still not okay? Does she even eat? Books. Chocolate. Secrets. Too much secrets. Trust. Oh, trust is circled multiple times, what's that?
-Give it back...
-No, there's a lot more! Wait.
-Come on, give it back. I tried to get my paper back but the guy straightened his arm so I couldn't take it back. He then continued to read it out loud while I tried to take my paper.
-Coming back, when? With the guys? The girls? Who? Do they take care of her? Should I go and see her? No. I shouldn't. Should I-
Then the teacher came back (he left earlier because he was called to Dumbledore's).
-Mr. Brighton give Mr. Black his paper. That is none of your business what's written on that paper."

That one Hufflepuff guy sighed but gave me back my paper anyway. I thanked the teacher and did not say a word for the rest of the day, even though I wasn't talking that much already.

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