Chapter Five

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Jennifer's POV

Were finally at the Ferris wheel, I feel so happy to finally do things that I haven't really done. I was staring outside, and again. I can't help but thought of Alex, maybe i'll be happier if i'm doing this with him not with a random guy that I just met..

I miss him..

No.. I can't miss him. I can't miss someone who left me my heart broken.. I'm doing this to forget him, to move on.. I keep telling myself, but my tears just automatically fell on my cheeks. I wiped my tears away as I felt a hand pats my back, I turned around and saw Harry, smiling awkwardly to me..

"Are you okay?" He asked

I just met this guy few hours ago. And he did nothing but to tease and annoy me, I don't even know how I came up on doing this with him, but I somehow want someone who is willing to do this with me, at this moment in my life, I need a friend, and it's him.. Sadly

"I'm fine.. Why are you even concern huh? I bet you'll just tease me after." I said as I return my gaze at the view..

"I hate seeing girls cry.. And no.. I won't tease you... Pringles..." He said as he chuckled..

I glared at him..

"Stop calling me Pringles!" I said

"Why? It's better than Jennifer though.. Pringles" He said laughing..

I looked at him and pinch his shoulder.. "I said stop it!"

"Ouch.. You're getting physical with me huh?" He said smirking as he keeps on leaning..

He is annoying, But I think i'll get used with him, He annoys me to the point that i'm forgetting how broken my heart is.. I guess it's a good thing.

I just glared at him, Then he stopped laughing and pulled back..

"I'm just joking, It's better when you're glaring than crying..." He said smiling, and I can't help but smile too..

"And it's better when your mouth is just shut.." I said sticking my tongue out..

The ferris wheel stopped as we went out, I immediately grabbed my yellow notebook and check it.

✔ Ride on a ferris wheel

"What's next?" Harry asked

"Hmmm.. Oh, this... Ride a bicycle at night.." I said smiling but his eyes are just narrowed..

"That is so boring.. Ugh. Then what?.. Let's skip that one. Or let's think of something more exciting to do.." He said smiling..

"Uhm. FYI. This is my bucket list.. I should do all the things that I wrote here" I said

"Just this one.Let's change that one. C'mon.. It's a free world Pringles." He said smiling like an idiot..

"Fine.. But Just this one okay?" I said as he smiled.

He's actually cute when he smiles.. But still he looks wasted.

Harry's POV

"What are we doing on a convenient store?" Jennifer asked confuse

I stopped the car at the convenient store, I think this will be exciting.

"Were going to shoplift.." I said as her eyes widen

"What? Are you fucking kidding me?" She asked in disbelief

"I'm not." I said

"You're crazy.. You want us to be in jail? Oh.. You're using me to steal things are you?" She asked as I bursted out of laughter

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