Chapter Thirty One

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Harry's POV

I gave Jennifer what she wanted. Were now on my car getting ready for a roadtrip. But before I finally push it through, I asked her some conditions, one is she'll still be drinking her medicines, and she'll tell me whatever she's feeling. I know I risked something, I risked her by agreeing with what she wants, but damn.. I love Jennifer so much and i'll do whatever that will make her happy.. Even if it kills me inside.

"Hogwarts, Thank you for doing this.. I swear, were going to be happy.." She said as she held my face.

"If you're happy, Then i'm happy.. So what's the first thing on your list?" I asked

"Hmm.. Kiss me." She said said smiling at me.

"What? That was on your bucket list?" I asked

"Yeah.. I made these for myself actually, but you'll benefit of course." She said giggling softly.

"And why kissing you is on that list? I can just kiss you whenever I want, without you asking for it."

"I just want you to kiss me, like the first time you did.. C'mon just do it.." She said leaning to me.

I cupped her face as I slowly lean to kiss her lips, It was cold, and a bit dry.. But the feels, the sparks, everything was in there.. I pulled away and saw her already tearing up.

"I'm going to miss those lips.." She said like she's already saying goodbye.

"Jennifer please.. Stop saying that you'll going to miss everything.. You're still here with me.. And you're going to be here for so long, so please..Don't speak as if you're saying goodbye.. Because.." My voice cracks as I looked down

"I'm sorry.. Okay.. I promise, I won't say it again.. Sorry, C'mon let's just enjoy.." She smiles to me as she wipes my tears

Then I started driving as we proceed to the mountain, Yeah, she wants to climb a mountain.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked

"I am, I can do that. Besides you're there with me." She smiles weakly..

We reach the mountain as we started to climb.

"Pringles, I don't think this is a good idea.. I don't want you to get tired out of this.."

She held my hands, and pout like a kid.

"We're already here., Hmm you're forgetting about the first rule about doing bucket list. No turning back, You once told me that.."

"Okay. But have you drink your medicines?"

"I did.. C'mon.. I wanna go on top and feel the sun on my face.." She smiles then we started climbing.

Were already on the middle part when Jennifer started breathing hard. This is what i'm saying, her body is too weak to do this.

"I'm okay.. I just need a little rest.." She said taking a breath..

"No you're not.. You're risking your life with this.. Let's just proceed to another list.."

"Harry no.. were almost there, I don't wanna give this up, I'm climbing up that mountain.." She said as she started to hike again.

Pringles will always be stubborn.

I reach for her..

"Get on my back.. I don't want you to walk.. I'll carry you.." I said positioning myself.

"Hogwarts, were still in the middle, I am a bit heavy, It will be hard for you. I'm fine.."

"No.. Get on my back now, or i'll carry you bridal, you choose.." I said

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