Chapter Twenty Five

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Jennifer's POV

There's a constant knocking on my door, and it was just 7 in the morning, today is the only free day i'll have in a week, and when I say free day, what I do is to just sleep all day.. Too bad someone's gotta ruin it.

"Fuck!!" I mumbled as I grab my robe and rushed outside my bedroom.

"What the hell do you-"

As I opened the door, my whole body froze as I saw who's standing right next to my door…

"Hi.. Good Morning, Breakfast?" He said showing me the foods he's holding.

It's Harry, and my heart just automatically skipped a beat, I don't know how on earth did he found my apartment, but it's Hogwarts, nothing's impossible with him.

"What are you doing here?" I said with my eyes narrowed

"Visiting you.. Just so you know I won't stop till you talk to me.." He said smiling.

That fucking smile.

"I don't need a visit to someone I don't even know, and wait.. How did you know where I live? You are stalking me are you?" I said.

"Believe me, you know me.. You just have to listen to me, let me in and we'll talk.. And do I look like i'm a stalker?" He said tenderly biting his damn lips.

God, Hogwarts is making me so weak. No it can't...

"I told you yesterday I don't want to remember anything from my past. Can't you see? I'm very much happy now.. You can leave now.." I said about to close the door but he's stoping it with his hand.

"You're not happy.. The Jennifer that is happy looks happy without even smiling or laughing.." He said

"And how did you know that?"

"I know that because i've seen you be like that, Just by looking at your eyes, I know if you're happy or not.. and right now you're not happy.." He said

I wanted so bad to hug him, buried my face on his chest and cry, But I need to keep distance from Harry, because if I let him do this, I don't think I can ever walk away from him again..

I took a deep breath and gave him a smile.

"You're funny.. You don't know me okay? The Jennifer you used to know is not me anymore.. So please go home and leave me alone.."

I can see the hurt in Harry's eyes but still he manage to give me a smile.

"Do you really want me to leave you and just forget what we had because you don't want to remember?" There's the sudden crack of my heart.

"Yes please... " I said proudly..

"I will, in one condition.."

Okay here he goes again with his conditions.

"What condition?" I asked

"Spend a week with me, and after that you won't see me anymore.." My heart is beating so fast.

"A week? I don't even know you.. There's a probability that you'll hurt me or maybe rape me.. Or insist me to remember my past.. I know your plan okay?.."

He gave me a half smile..

"First, i'll never hurt you... Because I will always protect you.. Second i'm not going to rape you.." He said as his eyes roam on my body.

He's teasing me. My naughty Hogwarts.

"Last one, I promise not to insist you to remember anything from your past. I swear i'm not going to talk about it if you don't like it.. I just want you to spend a week with me.."

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