Chapter {67}

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Lou Pov:

Sitting in one of the private waiting rooms in the hospital my leg bounced up and down under the table anxiously. While my hands sat folded up in a prayer type position on the cool brown wooden table that sat in front of me. Me and Liyah had been here for hours and have yet talked to an actual doctor instead we kept getting update after update from the nurse.

The small glimmer of hope the nurse allowed us a few hours ago by telling us that the surgeon was now closing my brother up and he was stable quickly took a turn for the worst. We waited almost two hours for Brayden to be brought up to his room only to learn that while the surgeon began the process of closing Brayden up his oxygen pressure started to rapidly drop.

So, they had to go back in and that's when they learned he had a collapsed lung. That was almost four hours ago and the only update we could get is that he's stable but still in surgery. Majority of Brayden's trauma was done to his abdominal which was no longer a concern since they had addressed that issue first.

Glancing over at Liyah who had her legs crossed and her arms crossed over her chest while a far away look was placed on her face. Besides asking for updates on Brayden Liyah hadn't said a single word slightly worrying me.

Hearing somebody knocking on the door I directed my attention onto it telling the person to come in thinking it was the nurse with another update only to be surprised by a FED making his way into the room. He was wearing a gray suit with a blue tie and a cheap looking pair of Italian dress shoes. His blue eyes were blank, so I wasn't able to get a real read off of him.

"Hello, how are you? My name is SA Walker." He greeted holding his hand out for me to shake which I did while raising an eyebrow trying to figure out why he was here. "And Miss Scarlet it's always a pleasure to see you again." He said with a polite smile on his face removing his hand from mine and placing his attention on Liyah who only rolled her eyes in return.

The smile he was wearing on his face might've seemed polite but the way his eyes openly roamed over Liyah's body told me it was everything but that. Feeling my eyes on him he quickly cleared his throat and directed his attention elsewhere noticing the intimidating glare on my face.

"Do you mind?" He questioned nodding his head in the direction of the open seat across from me and before I could even decline his request, he was pulling out the chair and taking a seat causing my mug to deepen.

Who in the hell did ol' dude think he was?

"Why are you here?" I asked getting straight to the point hoping it would speed up the process cause I wasn't feeling the vibes I was getting from this pig so far.

"I'm here to check on Brayden Ruiz and inform you of what happened." He said pulling out a manila folder and sitting it on top of the table and opening it to showing a white piece of paper that was filled with writing. "According to this report Mr. Ruiz was on his way back to his cell when he and a guard got jumped by a group of inmates who tried to stab them to death. Your brother wasn't found until shift change where he was then rushed to the hospital."

He read off the paper robotically as if this explanation was already rehearsed and just something to check off his to do list. Matter of fact he didn't seem as if he cared in the slightest about what happened to my brother which was pissing me off.

"So, what happened to the guard?" I asked cause this story was sounding like complete bull shit.

"Um, he had minor scarps nothing too life threatening." He shrugged reading off the paper again as I scoffed looking over at Liyah who still remained silent while keeping her eyes trained on SA Walker.

I wasn't sure if she was listening or just completely zoned out from the far away look in her light brown eyes.

"Let me make sure I got this right," I started out furrowing up my eyebrows with a frown on my face cause this story sounded like legit bull shit. "A group of inmates jumped not only my brother but a guard as well and the only one who came out with life threatening injuries is my brother who y'all allowed to bleed out for hours before rushing him to the hospital."

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