Chapter 20 - New Interests

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Lily and Eva were at the Library when it happened. The exams were in 4 weeks, and the girls were out for studying. After all, this time they had to write OWLs. These exams were supposedly infinite times harder than their normal exams. But both Lily and Eve loved Magic, and they constantly kept reading their books out of pure fascination, and that's why they were always one of the top 5 students in the school.

As she was going through the Restricted Section, under James' Cloak (Lily didn't know about it) she happened upon a very curious book - Secrets of the Darkest Arts. She took the book and started to read it. She had already completed around 5 chapters when Lily came around Madam Pince's table and asked her whether she'd seen Eve around. Eve closed the book, kept it back at it's place, and went ahead to join Lily.

As their visits to the Library increased, Eve took towards reading more of these books. Maybe she could figure out what Voldemort's plans more easily. Since Eve was a muggleborn, chances were that her family would be targeted most by Death Eaters, and she'd have to protect them, even Mycroft. By the end of 3 weeks, she'd already read Secrets of the Darkest Art, Magic Moste Evile, Curses and Counter Curses, Basic Hexes for the Busy and Vexed, Jinxes for the Jinxed, Unforgivable Curses and their Legal Implications, and several more books. No one knew about Eve's new hobby.

It was the last week before the OWLs started, and Eve was about to have her Career Advice, when Sirius came out of Minnie's office with a wide smile. "She said that I can become an Auror!" he whispered, and gave Eve a thumbs up as she walked in for her Advice.

"Ah, yes Ms. Holmes. I expected to see you next," said Dumbledore's voice.

"Wh- Afternoon, Headmaster. If you don't mind my asking, what are you doing here? I thought this was a meeting between the Head of the House and-"

"Yes, but I have some extra time on my hand, you see. I'm visiting a few students' Career Advice sessions to see how well our school is doing."

"Okay. Sure. Great," Eve said, confused.

"Shall we start?" Eve nodded at McGonagall.

"So, Ms. Holmes, what do you want to do in the future?"

"Well, I was thinking that I'd like to become an Auror or a Ministry official at Department of Magical Law Enforcement. It's high time someone actually changed the world for the greater good, Minnie, don't you think?"

Minnie only smirked at Eve's response, "I was thinking you'd say that, Eva. You have outstanding grades in most of your subjects, although you are still at Exceeds Expectations in Herbology. I suggest you concentrate more on that, and-"

"Ms. Holmes, I would like to offer you a job," the Headmaster interrupted, and McGonagall's eyes went wide, and back to normal a moment later. This wasn't the first time he had told it to a student.

"Since you're willing to bring change to the world, I'm offering the chance you are looking for. I have formed a secret society 'The Order of the Phoenix.' It will be a difficult job, yes, but our goal is towards a better future for our next generation and yours too," Dumbledore said, and Eve looked at him with a knowing look in her eye.

"You're trying to defeat Voldemort, aren't you?" Eve said, and Minnie flinched a bit.

"Yes, Ms. Holmes-"

"-Eve, please," Eve interrupted

"Alright then, Eve. We are trying to defeat Voldemort. The Ministry of Magic is trying it's best, but it is not revealing the honest truth to the people, and it's efforts aren't enough. People there work for money, and members of the Order don't just work for money. That is the difference. I have given this offer to only a few select students and you happen to be one of them. I would like you to consider this offer very seriously."

"I want in," Eve said, and Minnie smiled at her like a proud mother who just watched her daughter win first place in a running race.

"A very apt decision, Eve. I suppose I'll see you in my office after your OWLs are over along with the other candidates," Dumbledore said, and Eve nodded at him.

"Well, Eve, I'm afraid that I have to meet a few of the other students from Gryffindor too. I suggest that you go back to your dorms very quietly, I'm afraid Professor Minnie wouldn't want you to lose any points from your pranking." He said with a smile and Minnie shot him a glare.

Eve sped up to Common Room. She wanted to know if Sirius (he and Ever were the first to go for Career's Advice) had recieved any 'job offers' from Dumbledore too. 

She saw Sirius in his dorm, staring at the ceiling, thinking about something. Or someone. She decided to prank Padfoot. "Mutatio Vocis James," she whispered, pointing the wand towards her throat. And when she spoke next, Prongs' voice came out her throat.

"So,  what are you upto, Padfoot?"

Sirius answered without looking back at her, "Nothing. Just thinking." Before she could respond to that, Sirius continued, "Do you think she fancies Remus?" he asked.

"Who fancies Remus?" Eve asked, confused.

"Well, she's always around to help Moony, she cares about him a lot, and well.. Eve hasn't really responded to any of my moves to ask her out. I mean, what else am I supposed to do? Ask her out directly?"

Eve stared at the boy in shock. He fancied her. Sirius fancied Eve.

Not being a person who had much experience with emotions, Eve was always told by Marlene and Lily that she fancied Sirius. Eve had the habit of telling Lily about how amazingly cool Sirius' eyes were when they had been in 1st year, but as the years progressed, she had become very close to Sirius. She realised that she had let herself out to him, sharing deep secrets, and judging other people with him, unlike what she did with her other best friends. She had realised that maybe Lily was right at the start of 4th year, but she didn't know how to express her emotions. And here was Sirius, who liked her back, struggling with the same problem. She smiled at him before changing her voice to normal.

She walked to him and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "Yes, you halfwit, that's what you should do."

Sirius was taken aback, but supressed the emotion with a smile. It was a genuine smile. He looked at her and asked "What are you doing here? Wh-where's Prongs? I was just talk-"

"You were just talking to me. I found a spell to change my voice. And well- here we are."

"Here we are," Sirius said his voice cracking very slightly. He leaned forward, but Eve stepped back with a huge grin on her face.

"First take me out on a date, Black," she said.

Sirius grinned. He took her hand, kissed it and stood on one knee (Very dramatic) "My dear Eva Holmes, will you please do me the honour of going out with me on a date?" he said.

"Yes," she told Sirius and both of them grinned at each other before Eve gave him quick peck on the lips and said, "C'mon, let's go the Common Room, I have an important question to ask the others."

"Is this question about- umm.. how many phoenixes there are at Hogwarts?"

"Yes. I'm.. volunteering to take care of the phoenixes. You?"

"Yeah, me too," Sirius replied.

"C'mon, let's go," she said, and they went down the stairs, hand in hand.


A/N: AAAAAAAAHHHHH I'm crying. It's happening. 'Tis happening people!

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