Chapter 32 - The Last Meeting And Job Prospects

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It was their last one week. The seventh years had just finished writing their NEWTs, and all of them, especially the Marauders, were determined to make good use of their one last week of Hogwarts. They went to Hogsmeade, bought bottles of Butterbeer and Firewhiskey, boxes of Honeydukes sweets, Zonko Products, and other items for the sake of their nostalgia. The Marauders made use of the boys' dorm walls to write their last messages for the future generations. They enchanted it so that those the password to open the Marauders' Map will be able the password to see the messages.

When the war is over, I would like to settle down with my current girlfriend and start my own Muggle Camera business with her.



When the war is over, I'd like to be professionally good- looking. And visit every single place in the world with Tora.



When the war is over, I'd like to come back to Hogwarts as a professor.



If I survive the war, I'd like to open my own sweet shop.



When the war is over, I'd like to stay together 'til the end with my friends, and become Chief Auror in the Ministry. And I'd like to travel the world with Padfoot.



We give you , the person who is reading this, the responsibility to carry on our noble work. Let the legacy of the Marauders live on.


And all of them enchanted it and the messages dissapeared into the wall, waiting to be awoken by the spell, I solemnly swear I am upto no good. They then let Filch confiscate it from them for the future Marauders who will- without doubt, steal it from him.

On their second last day at Hogwarts, the members of the Order gathered for their last Order meeting at Hogwarts. After this, they'd only meet up at headquarters. Dumbledore assigned everyone individual tasks and jobs and internships at the Ministry to work as spies, and to help the Order with information. He told the Marauders and Lily to stay behind to give them a job.

"Now, the six of you. I'm giving all of you very secret jobs no one can know about, other than the people in this room. Voldemort has been expanding business, and we need a few witches and wizards to work abroad. You were all chosen from the members of the Order by me, and I sent all Minsitries of Magic recommendation letters personally, to employ you."

"Miss Evans, you have been offered a job as Auror at the Japan Ministry. I'd advise you take the job and give us information about the happenings there."

"Mister Lupin, you have been given a job at Department for the Regulation and Cooperation with Magical Creatures at the Canadian Ministry of Magic- Yes, they are aware of your condition too."

"Mister Potter, you have been accepted into the Indian Ministry of Magic as Auror. You and Lily can certainly meet each other whenever you have a break from work."

"Mister Black, you are expected at the French Ministry of Magic. They've asked for you because of your excellent French speaking skills. Also an Auror."

"Mister Pettigrew, you have been asked by the Bulgarian Ministry. Department of International Magical Co-operation."

"And finally, Miss Holmes, you have been offered a job at the MACUSA as an Auror. Your parents may join you in America, while your brothers will continue to work and study under our protection in the British Muggle Ministry and in a college respectively."

"Should you wish to take up the job offers, all you need is tell me."

"Professor, can we have a moment? Alone? We'll be back, just like to-"

"Yes, Eve, you may all go outside and discuss with your friends about the jobs."

All of them hurried outside and Eve looked towards Sirius first, "Are you okay with this? Do you think we should take the job offers? I think I would, but I need to know. We need to maintain a long- distance, and I think France is 5 hours ahead of the USA time, and-"

"Hey, we can do it, okay? We've always wanted to help the future, right? And this could be the prefect opportunity. We are gonna be Aurors. And I'm gonna come and get you the second I get a break, and we have the mirrors with which we can communicate, and hey, it's not like I need to get on to one of those flying Muggle things to get to you. I can just Floo to your room in America, honey," he told her, his hands on her shoulders as he massaged them to help her get rid of the stress.

"You sure?"

"Yep," he told her, and she nodded at him.

"You guys make your decisions?" she turned to her other friends and they all nodded. They went back into the office.

"Sirius and I are in," Eve said confidently.

"So are Lily and I," James said with a smile.

"Well, I'm happy to have a job," Remus said. He had always been worried about not being able to get a job because of his furry little problem.

"Me too," Peter said, his voice a little shaky.

Dumbledore nodded and smiled at the group proudly. "Very well then. You will be staying in London for the next year. You will undergo Auror training in the British Ministry and then we will send you to your respective places of work, except for Mr. Lupin and Mr. Pettigrew, who will leave on September 31st this year."


Eve was excited. On the last day, she was given an award for excellency in magic, and Gryffindor won the House Cup.

Jily was an actual thing, and the professors were all exchanging money with the students for the bets they'd placed. Professor Flitwick came and gave Eve 5 Galleons, as per the bet she had made with him.

Sirius winked at Dumbledore for a bet, and he winked back at him, and James lost 15 Galleons.

The group came up with a last bet. The bet was to complete 50 tasks, which included 'Sue the Ministry and Minister for Magic'. The one who completed it would recieve 50 Galleons from each of the Marauders and Lily. Eve didn't know how she was going to do it, but she certainly would find a way to enter Azkaban for just a second to finish the task.

As for Sirius and Eve, the teachers had placed heavier bets on the couple, but the students (except the Marauders, Lily and Alice) expected that Eve would break up within their seventh year with Sirius, who was once the player of the school. James had collected at least 230 Galleons just by placing the bets.

Minnie looked at Eve and smiled at her. "I'm going to miss you, Eva," she said, tears in her eyes. Sirius coughed for attention, and Minnie snapped at him, her face still with a smile, "oh please, Black. I'll miss you too, happy? And if you break my daughter's heart, I will transfigure you into a pocket watch for the rest of your life. Same goes to you too, Eva. You break Black's heart-"

"-you'll turn me into a pocket watch, yup, got it. Hold that thought. Did you just call me your 'daughter'?" Eve said with a smile and Minnie hit her very slightly on the shoulder.

Minnie hugged Eve one last time as they headed down the stairs towards the Black Lake, to reach Hogsmeade via the boats that they had once come to Hogwarts in. Sirius and Eve held their hands tightly as they watched Hogwarts shrink away as they went further, tears in their eyes as they realized they wouldn't be going back for a while.



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