Chapter 31 - Fun Times

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All the time at the Potters' house, the Holmes' family tried to be cheerful. They'd lost their house to Death Eaters, but Dumbledore had told them that they'll be moved once a new home had been found for them. Mycroft still had to go to work, and Sherlock had to go to school. Eve took up the job of Apparating them away. It was fun watching Mycroft trying to use magical appliances like Wizarding Cameras, and have sweets like Acid Pops.


The first time Eve did side-along Apparition with Mycroft, he was having a meeting with the Prime Minister. She took him to a small street next to their rendezvous, so that no one would see her doing magic. Mycroft looked purple the moment they had landed.

"Mycroft, you okay? Your face doesn't look okay, are you dying?"

Mycroft shook his head.

"As much as I hate you brother, I wouldn't want you die! Mycroft?"

And then Mycroft regurgitated his whole breakfast on the street.

Eve laughed and said, "OH, that can happen sometimes, glad I wasn't standing right in front of you. That picture must have been nasty. Scourgify. Don't worry, it was your first time. You should have seen Sirius. He was constantly yelling that Apparating had killed his good looks when he left an eyebrow behind, during practice."

"You can leave an eyebrow behind?" Mycroft asked touching his face to check whether any of his parts were missing as they walked on the road.

"Oh, you can leave more than eyebrows behind. Done properly, Appariton is the quickest mode of transport, probably after Portkeys, but wizards prefer brooms because of, you know, vomiting the first time, and splinching- leaving parts of yourself behind," She explained. 

Sherlock was almost the same too. He looked like he was gonna spew any minute, and was purple the whole way to school. Eve continued her tasks as a member of the Order. She used her advanced Dark Magic during the very rare ocassion (too many Death Eaters or Voldemort). This made a few people a bit uncomfortable, but Dumbledore had assured them that 'Eve was as harmless as a fly, unless they hurt her', in which case, he advised, 'they better run'


On August 31, Eve, James and Sirius stepped into the fire, waved goodbyes to their family, and shouted "Minerva McGonagall's office!" and stepped out at Hogwarts. They were back. And this was their last year. James was Head Boy and Lily was Head Girl. A part of Eve's mind told her that Dumbledore was a Jily shipper too and she chuckled to herself at the thought of Fliwtick giving 5 Galleons to the Headmaster.

Eve continued to have classes with Dumbledore, and she was informed once a week about her family's whereabouts. Voldemort was getting stronger, and Eve began to wonder whether there was actually a chance of the Order and the Ministry winning.


Despite living in times of war, the Marauders continued their pranks. They still dyed Filch's hair (a classic), made Snape's greasy hair become voluminous and shiny (he didn't like it at all), spray painted 'Marauders' and 'You shall not pass!' on the walls at night, held a debate whether water was wet, dyed all of their hairs a rebellious pink to support feminism (they lost at least 20 points a week for the hair alone), let Sirius walk in his dog form around Minnie (her animagus was a cat, and she was scared of dogs), held a secret ball in the Great Hall, which wasn't really a secret (Sirius asked Minnie to go with him as a joke), let stag James run around the corridors (ah, the shock on Minnie's face), arranged a Dungbomb revolution against Slytherin, given unsolvable Rubik's cubes to unsuspecting Ravenclaws and even changed the Headmaster's  skin color to a bright gold to match with his favorite red jeweled cloak.


James had very successfully scored his date with Lily. When she'd come back, her face was red, and she said something like "IthinkIfancyJamesPotter," before running away to the Black Lake. Eve grinned, and told James that he was on the right lane.

Right after Christmas vacation, The Marauders began questioning the reason for Filch's job, considering that magic itself could be enough to clean the whole place on it's own.


April the 1st was the most terrifying day for all teachers (except perhaps Minnie) of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Minnie's cloak was now a moving image of the night sky (which she did like, the Marauders always left her the pranks that made people happy), Flitwick's height was abnormally lesser and he had one chicken hand (yes, the hand of a chicken instead of a normal hand), Slughorn's potion cabinet didn't open at all, and Sprout had a difficult time finding all her Mandrakes, upon which the Marauders had casted invisibililty spells.

Cauldrons had become portkeys to the Black Lake and Dumbledore's socks (which only the Marauders knew about) were enchanted to have different designs and patterns so that he'd never be able to find a correct pair.

As dinner time came, all students gathered for a small (smaller than the others) feast hosted by the school (in light of recent events, the school tried to cheer everyone up), and the Marauders changed the voices of all the students.

All Slytherin students shouted in the squeaky voice of Peter, the Hufflepuffs in Eve's voice, the Gryffindors sang in James' terrible singing voice, and the Ravenclaws were letting impressed gasps in Remus' voice. All of the teachers began shouting at the Marauders in Sirius' dramatic voice, and no one in the Great Hall could control their own laughter.

And no points were deducted from Gryffindor that day, because it was April Fools' and it was a universal law that pranking was the main objective of the day. The Marauders had decided that they won't let anyone forget them that easy. This was their last year, and they were gonna make it memorable.


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