Tenth Part

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September 25th, 2001

Dear diary,

I'm sorry to see that such a great gasp separates my first and second entries in your pages, but I really didn't have much time since I entered the Legion. But now that I'm back from my first mission, which was successful by the way, I've got some time so, here's what happened.

I entered the Leg's basic training and boy did it make the Auror Academy seem like a day at daycare. I don't think there is one night that I haven't fallen asleep at the second my head hit the pillow, and if I did, it was probably while I was falling toward it.

Guns, technology, basic fucking mundane education, all of that, compiled with advanced training in everything else I'd thought I had already mastered, made my head want to explode. Coffee might the only thing that allowed me to get through those days. But on the brighter side, I didn't have a second to spare a thought to what I left behind, which was great! Well, until I saw the pile of letters Hermione has sent me and that I hadn't been informed were waiting for me until the Post Master personally summoned me and gave me a lecture about not taking too much place in his tiny office.

And then, I was sent on my first mission! Unfortunately, all my work is classified and I, therefore, can't write or speak about it, so I guess you won't ever know what I'm doing. However, there's one thing I can say, I helped people, on that mission. And, for the first time in so long, I'm proud of myself and something I've done.

Okay, now I really got to read and then answer Hermione's letter, otherwise, there'll be hell to pay the next time I see her, if she doesn't come here herself, wand blazing, and give me a sermon in front of all the other guys.

So I'll write to you later!


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