Fifty-Eighth Part

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August 17th, 2008

Dear Diary,

Mione and I just had an emotionally heavy conversation with the kids today, and honestly, it didn't end badly, it went great really, but damn am I exhausted.

We were filling the kids' inscription papers when we realized that Delphini doesn't really have a proper last name. That led to us asking her, which led to a very sentimental girl asking if she could be Delphini Potter-Black, completely brushing aside the possibility of using her biological genitor's name. Teddy too had heard the conversation and asked if he could "have the same name as his sister" before realizing what that sentence means.

Through a lot of tears, both kids admitted that they had begun to see us as their parents for a little while and each other as siblings for longer. We made sure that they knew what that entailed and both said that if they were to stark something new like schooling, they preferred doing it as real brother and sister, with real parents, not guardians.

Mione and I cried at the very least as much as the kids but promised to make the necessary arrangements. Some might say that we're moving too fast, but honestly, nothing has ever been on the 'normal' side of things for us, so I guess that the way of getting kids shouldn't be an exception.

Tomorrow, we're going to Gringott to get everything sorted out.

Tomorrow, I'll have a daughter and a son.



Harry Potter's journeyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora