Twenty-Eight Part

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September 7th, 2005

Dear Diary,

I'm now officially a Warmage! Damn old bastard really seemed to enjoy beating the crap out of me, but toward the end, our matches were almost even. Now I get why he lives in the desert, we literally made a crater of glass out of the sand.

But now, with my dear master's blessing, I can finally build my own staff!

I've been thinking about it for the past month, and I think I've finally found the perfect form.

Firstly, I'll use the blood jewel I got from the dwarves and use it for the head's magical enhancer.

The cores of the staff will be made with the unicorn horns the centaurs gave me. Yes, cores, as in plural. One of the things I preferred in that certain Chinese village was learning how to use the three-section staff. With a few tweaks, I'll be able to reconnect them in one solid staff, I have already had the plan approved by the goblins of Melbourn's branch of Gringott, who I've hired to assist me.

And since it will have three-section, I will need three cores. I've decided to use the veelas' hair for one, Fawkes feather that I retrieved from Riddle's wand (remind me to write to you about how I've found it by Dumbledore's grave) and a feather from Bindu's thunderbird's tail.

I'll use some of the Great Protector's scales to cover the unicorn horn after I've coated it in bright steel, and will have a little surprise at the bottom of the staff. A retractable scythe blade.

Why? Well, simply to stick the last one to dear old Voldy. He was so afraid of Death, but in the end, the one to end him will carry the weapon of the Grim Reaper itself.

I'll probably be completely absorbed in the crafting for a while, so forgive me if I don't write soon.

Until then,


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