Twenty-First Part

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April 4th, 2004

Dear Diary,

I've found him. The asshole was spying on me as I was drying up under more sunlight and heat in a day than my whole Hogwart years combined. freezing my ass off in the night and running out of water constantly.

But hey, the highlight is that I'm now officially his apprentice, "Only so I can finally stop sensing the scorpions and snakes salivating at the idea of eating what little meat you have on the bones" he says, but I try not to think about it.

I did his initial training, which was really just a way for him to try to make me give up, I'm sure. Something did seem to make him become serious in trying to train me when I saved a whole population of elves from a fire in the second week.

A lot of them insisted to help me in some way and after 4 days of constant asking, Master Bindu told me that their blood makes for a great way to quench a heated magical blade. And so, they each gave me a drop of their blood.

Now, apparently, I'm supposed to get out in the world and gather materials for my staff. Or maybe his patience ran out. I never really know with this old bastard.

I contacted my handler and he was happy to give me an assignment in China, a place I've never visited before. People have been disappearing and the Chinese Ministry of Magic relented to let the ICW help.

I'm off to Alice Springs airport now



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