Thirty-Fourth Part

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February 15th, 2006

Dear Diary,

Remember the textbook I've told you about? Well, I've found some and guess what, Hermione has somehow transformed into one of the best bo staff fighters I've ever met... And yes, I kind of find that frustrating, but the smile she gave me three days ago when she was able to throw me on the ground was so beautiful, I just couldn't resist smiling too. And the way she thanked me later was simply the cherry on top. (I think I'm still sore from that more than the sparring)

In any case, I'm not writing you because of that or even the great Valentine's dinner we had on the cliff, but because something happened. I've received a letter yesterday asking me to return to the Chinese village.

Mione and I are already packed and are leaving tomorrow. (Yes, she's coming too, firstly because I don't really expect any trouble, and mainly because she threatened me into it. Don't ask how.)

I'll write back once we know what's going on there.


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