Sixtieth Part

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September 21rst, 2008

Dear Diary,

Remember about the monster smackdown in Harlem a few months ago, well it seems that it's still bringing trouble to me. Last night, the mundane security system shot down without reason and the magical one woke up all of us. The kids went into their individual hiding spots while the three adults of us went to check out.

I ended face to face with a drawn arrow. From there, a fight broke out. The one that ended up being my opponent, codenamed Hawkeye, and I brawled it out while Mione and Ron found themselves faced with the assassin that was even feared among the wizarding society, the Black Widow.

To make it short, our house was trashed and the only reason we stopped is that I used a gust of wind to send Hawkeye into his partner and Mione used her Force powers to pin them down.

Turns out that one of the cameras around Harlem spotted me apparating a little boy out of the way of a car that the Abomination had flung out of his way, and an organization named S.H.I.E.L.D. had then taken an interest in me.

Black Widow and Hawkeye were sent to bring me in for questioning but had to call their boss instead and make him personally come to pick them up.

This is how I met Nick Fury, the man who apparently only dresses in black and must have a massive stick up his ass with how stonecold his one-eyed face is.

This is also how we were given a standing invitation to join his organization, which Ron accepted if he could become a sniper, a concept that seemed to fascinate him since the ICW basic training.

Mione also accepted his invitation, but on the basis that she was to be a scientist, note a field agent.

He seemed disappointed that I refused, but I don't really care. Hawkeye was definitely impressed by the fact that Teddy could draw out his bow (some of his few werewolf traits that he inherited) and Delphini was in awe at the Black Widow.

Yeah... My life was just flipped upside down in a single night. Wait until I have to announce to Lamark that Ron and I are turning in our resignation (because I was getting bored of following Mr. St-Laurent anyway).

That'll be fun


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