Thirty-Eighth Part

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March 5th, 2007

Dear Diary,

We've been back in Australia for the better part of a month now. We were actually kind of sad to leave the village, but we all knew that it would come to an end. However, we got a standing invitation to come and stay in the village permanently. Perhaps one day. But not today.

In the meantime, Mione and I have decided to make something useful out of our asses and called my handler. He was surprised to hear from me but more than happy to give us a job. We've taken jobs in the organization of an ICW conference in Canberra, which will keep us occupied for the better part of the summer. After that, we're planning of going on a trip. Don't know where yet.

The days upon us look long and tiring, so I'll probably only write back after the conference, or knowing myself, sometime after I embarked on that trip.



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