Twenty-Fourth Part

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April 18th, 2005

Dear Diary,

Don't worry, he's alive. In case you don't know me through Harry's whining, my name is Hermione Jean Granger, or as this dumbass loves to call me, Mione.

I'm the one writing to you now because... well, let's just say that Harry's disappearance made me realize my feelings for him (and yes, as he pointed out to me this morning, I know how cliche that sounds) and when he just turned up on my doorstep, well they all came rushing back from where I had buried them for the last year, for the sake of my sanity.

To paint you the portrait, my apartment is trashed, both from me cursing, verbally and magically, at him for a good hour, and from the fucking we made afterward. I don't how he acquired so much stamina, but I think that every flat surface of my place has officially been explored!

He is sleeping now, and seeing him so peaceful for the first time in so long is making my heart melt more than I will ever admit to his face, for I fear that the smirk that would split his face might make me want to jump him again.

And yes, I've asked permission to read you, and your two older brothers, as he called them. I think that writing to you has proven to be excellent for him, and I am happy that whatever comfort he found in filling your pages kept him sane enough to come back to me at a time when I had finally pulled my head out of my own arse.

I'll try to crawl my way out of his rock-like arms and make us some breakfast.


Hermione Granger

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