Sixty-First Part

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October 6th, 2008

Dear Diary,

I've recently met the most annoying person on the planet, a 'charming' man named Tony Stark. That's right, and to make matters worst, I've become none other than his bodyguard. Imagine my joy.

Mione is apparently having the time of her life in her new lab and Ron is sweating his life out in Hawkeye's personal training regime.

Remember my P.S. having a fight on their first day, well they've just finished serving their last weekly after-class detention. To be honest, I had half a mind to congratulate them (and I kind of did once the principal and Mione were out of earshot) when I learned that it was simply Del defending her brother from a bully that found Teddy's eyes funny. I'm proud that she asked twice the empty-head jerk to apologize and only came to hits when he tried to grab push her in the lockers.

She and Teddy showed me their memories of the incident and she really didn't have to land a single punch on them, making them trip into one another or letting charge before quickly getting out of the way (one of them ended up headfirst in a trash bin).

Why their detention then? Because Del tore the principal a new one in front of the whole school when he told her that he should have called an adult instead of fighting, she snapped back to explain to him that she had seen at least three teachers walk by and do strickly nothing and that it meant that it was his fault it that had happened because his inability to make his staff do their job properly. Teddy has simply tagged along in the detentions for 'moral support, but I'm well aware now that they use that time to plan their prank war on the staff of the school. My kids, which share a birthday since we don't know Del's real one, are called the Potter twins. The Marauders and Fred are probably laughing their ass up there, I know George did when I called him.

Is it worrying that he calls them at least once a week now?


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