Fifty-Fourth Part

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March 23th, 2008

Dear Diary,

Teddy had his first friend over this weekend, and no matter how old that makes me sound, I'm so proud of my godson! Ned Leeds seems like a good kid and the two spent most of his time discovering Star Wars, which made me chuckle when I walked by the living room and saw Luke Skywalker fighting against Darth Vader. Hermione seemed conflicted by the fact that her heritage has been turned into a sci-fi saga, but the look on Teddy made up her mind quite rapidly and she decided to let him enjoy his fiction.

Delphini, as her usual self, spent most of her time in her room, reading or doing lessons in fields that are probably unnecessary for a ten years old kid. However, Ned and Teddy seemed to be able to get her out of room for at least one movie, so there's that small miracle to enjoy.

She talks a little more every day and doesn't object anymore when we take her with the rest of the family for our daily walk in Central Park. And, strangest of all, she even held Mione's hand for most of it yesterday when it was just us and her. Progress.



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