Nineteenth Part

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March 6th, 2004

Dear Diary,

Since I've last written, I've been... let's say busy. Apparently, March's first week is the annual meeting or 'rendez-vous' of the wild veelas and poor me happened to be there.

Man, I've discovered muscles I had no idea I had!

So yeah, that happened. Gabrielle kind of claimed me early on and was kind enough not to over abuse her claim on me. That doesn't mean I didn't have a good time though. Damn, can that girl ride a

You know what, maybe I shouldn't write this to you. Yeah, that's the most reasonable thing to do. And no, Gabby sure as hell didn't slap the crap out of the back of my head right now.

Anyway, on a whole other note, when I was asked by the matriarch of the conclave what I wanted as a personal thank you from them, I've found myself in kind of a bind.

I was given a few days to think about it and was invited to stay at the Delacour Chateau. There, I talked with Fleur and she told me that Brightsteel and Blood jewels were highly sought materials by war mages for the crafting of their staffs.

I might have just found a new challenge!

The veelas of the conclave each gave me a strand of their hair to use as foci in my staff.

Tomorrow, I'm flying to Australia to begin my search of the last known warmage, of which Mr. Delacour, head of France's law enforcement department, has only heard of by rumours and whispers.

At least it's not a vague story and random memories collected and viewed without explanations beforehand!

Nope, not going to go there.

See you later!


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