Twelveth Part

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December 20th, 2003

Dear diary,

Just like with my first diary I apologize because of the length of time that has passed by between your first and second entries. But to be honest, I realize now that perhaps it was only the Leg's daily military routine that made me make time to write in him and your predecessor, so I think I'll give up on trying to write daily in you, before I make myself feel guilty for spending time on more pressing matters, like sleeping and keeping up with the negotiations I oversee.

Since all I do for the ICW is public knowledge, unless expressively told otherwise, you however will have the privilege of knowing exactly what I do as an ICW representative.

Since the last time I wrote you, I went through the ICW's physical basic training, and this time I actually felt like having a day at daycare (I might have to up my training in the gym and range if I want to keep my edge) and then the second part, which covered everything from negotiation oversight to investigations and way too many things for me to want to write down while sitting around a campfire in northern Peru.

What I'm doing there, you ask? Well, I've just finished overseeing a peace negotiation between two clans of giants! But honestly, it was way more than just sitting and trying to keep their blood from boiling.

I've somehow found myself in this crazy conspiracy where a rogue group of dwarves from southern Chili were trying to make the giants kill each other so that they could take over their mine and create a nation there. They have actually gone through the troubles of kidnapping the newborn twins of one of the chiefs and framed then murdered the sister of the other one for the said kidnapping.

In the end, I was able to convince them to give me three days to investigate as a third party. I've found the bloody murderers and, to my regret, ended up having to fight my way through them to get to the babies. I returned just in time to stop a full-on massacre and then convinced everyone to wait for a few days and then pass the trial for the dwarves. I should have brought them before the ICW, but really, I didn't feel like arguing with 200 giants over the fate of those slimy bastards.

Their trials, if one could call is like that, were swift, their executions brutal, but in the end legal according to their treaty with the Peruvian government, so all I did was report back on it. I then did what I had come to do, and oversaw the peace talks. They have finished some time last week and the celebrations have just begun to calm down... Yeah.

I somehow now find myself in a strange position, however. I could go home for Yule at the Weasleys, a pilot has agreed to come and get me if I send a message before noon today. But really, is it strange that I find myself not wanting to go? I mean, they have been a family for me for years now, but now I won't just be Ginny's ex, I'll be Ginny's ex that will for some reason be seated beside her new boyfriend, some seeker from Belgium's national team (I think that she may have a type, but I know she would deny it anyway.) On the other end, the giants have just told me that they'll continue the peace celebration and blend them in with the Yule and New Year ones, so it's not like I don't have a choice to go to the Weasleys. 

I'll see. Until later.


Harry Potter's journeyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora