three kids is hard work

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- august 13th 2026

-taylors pov- 

We are all in LA at the moment because joe is filming a movie here. This is probably the last time the kids and I can follow him to set as in about a month Ellie is starting kindergarten. It's such a huge milestone and I think she is really excited for it. 

"Are you done Kenzie" I coo the 6-month-old eating from my boob that seems like she is full and about to go into a milk coma. Mackenzie was born on february 5th and she is the last child we will have. We decide that we wanted to try for a last child towards the end of my Taylors verson tour and sure enough I got pregnant again. 

** Flashback **

There is only a couple of shows again of the tour and I'm thrilled about that because I'm feeling like this these days. I can hardly keep food down and I'm absolutely exhausted. Thats why I'm lying on the bed in our hotel room while joe and Ellie is on a mission to get some pregnancy tests. Ellie doesn't know that's what they are getting, she is just happy to go on a big girl mission. 

Aurora is in her bed having some quiet time as her stats were dropping earlier so she needed some time with oxygen. It still scares me when that happens but for the most part she is doing okay. 

"Mommy I have things for you" Ellie says when she and joe comes into the hotel room, and I force a smile and sit up. "Thank you, Ellie, that was so nice of you to go with daddy and get mommy what she needed" I tell her when she hands me the bag and i kiss the top of her head. "There are three presents in there" she says, and I nod. 

Joe and I exchange some looks before I go to the bathroom to get it over with. I'm so nervous about what the tests will say. I do have a feeling I'm pregnant, it feels like it, but you never know if your body is just mimicking the symptoms because you want It that much. 

I pee on all the tests and set a timer for two minutes and lay my head in my hands. If I am pregnant, I will be really happy, we want another kid. But I will also be scared because of what happened before with aurora and with the baby we lost. 

Joe knocks on the door and comes in "your mom is in there with the kids. So I figured I would come with you" he says and wrap his arms around me. "i'm nervous" I whisper. 

"I know" 

The timer goes off and nervously we stand up together. "let's just get it over with" I sigh and turn the tests over and when I see the results, I get tears in my eyes and look up at joe "we are having another baby" I say and my voice cracks 

** end of flashback **

I put Kenzie down for a nap and head downstairs with the baby monitor when I hear aurora yelling. 

"no daddy, It's mine" she screams at the top of her lungs, and I take a deep breath. We are having a lot of issues with aurora lately, and I guess it's just the terrible two's that every child gets, so we just try to be consistent and give it time. 

"No aurora. You hit daddy and that's not okay, so no more iPad for you" joe says and the almost three-year-old throws herself on the ground kicking and screaming. That makes me scared because it always makes her pulse and oxygen monitor around her ancle go off and we need to deal with that. But I let joe handle this tantrum and I go to find Ellie because I can't see her. 

I find her in her room with her legs tucked closed to herself and quietly crying so I run over to her and wrap my arms around her "Ellie what's wrong sweetie?" i say and gently lift her into my lap and rock us softly from side to side. 

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