birthday party and meltdowns

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-taylors pov- 

Joe carries Kenzie into the party while I hold Ellie on one hand and aurora in the other hand. Aurora isn't happy that I'm making her hold my hand, but I'm not letting her run off when there are cars everywhere. 

Knocking on the door katy with daisy beside her open the door and we all exchange hugs "it's so good to see you all, thank you for coming" katy says and let us inside. "it's so nice to see you too" 

They show us out into the backyard where there Is a table for the gifts, so we leave the present there before taking a look around their huge backyard. There are child size tables for the kids and other seating for the adults. There are two bouncy castles and lots of toys all over the garden. The color palette is mostly pastels and it's all very cohesively planned I need to give her that. 

"Wow, you've planned this well" I tell katy and take Kenzie from joe so he can follow aurora that's already running off to play. 

"Thank you, we wanted to do something special for her 6th birthday. It's the last birthday before school starts so we wanted to make it big" she says, and I get that. Both daisy and Ellie is born so late in the year that they have had to wait an extra year to start school as the cutoff date Is turning five before the start of august. 

"I know what you mean. It's crazy how big they've gotten" I say and look down at Ellie who Is clinging to my leg "do you want to go and play Ellie" I ask her, and she looks nervously up at me before nodding so daisy takes her hand and they run off to the bouncy castle. 

"All three of them looks just like you two" katy says as we go and grab something to drink. "True, they're all blond and blue eyed." 

I grab some pink punch "are you sending her to school or are you doing homeschool?" I ask her and she nods "we figured that we wanted to send her to school so she can be around other kids her age. But we are sending her to a private school that has good security" 

"We are doing the same thing. It's good to be around kids with normal parents too" that's something I think about a lot. That my kids are so used to be around celebrities and their kids that they don't interact too much with kids that have parents with different jobs. Thankfully Ellie gets that with her dance classes, and she seems to get along well with the other kids. Now she is taking ballet two times a week. She was doing one Acro and one ballet, but she got too stressed in Acro as it was usually more noise and children running all over the place. She thrives better in more structured environments. We don't push her to be that way that's just how she is. She is the opposite of her little sister when it comes to that. We tried to put aurora in a dance class, but we could forget that. 

"i see what you mean. Daisy hardly sees normal kids that don't have cameras following them when they leave the house, so I'm exited for her to just get to be around kids" katy says. 

Then behind us I hear that squeaky voice that I used to adore but now it sends chills up by back "hi guys" Karlie says and both katy and I turn around to see Karlie coming over with her daughter in her arms. Summer is her name, and she is six years old too but have already started school because of her birthday. 

I force a smile while counting to thirteen inside of me "hi Karlie, and hi summer. Nice of you that you wanted to come" katy greet them both with a hug and I politely say hi to her too. I can force nicety in front of other people, I'm a good actor when it comes to shit like that. 

"And who is this? Is this your newest addition?" Karlie says and smile with her white teeth on display. "Yes, Mackenzie" I say and look around us for someone else to talk with. Thankfully in that moment Blake, Ryan and their kids come in the door. And come up to greet katy as it's her party. "hi, it's so nice that you guys could make it" she says and hug them all before Ryan comes to join joe who is watching aurora and betty runs to where Ellie and daisy are playing. 

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