A soaring voice

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** Tuesday February 2nd *

-Taylors Pov- 

** the next day **

"Mommy I'm scared" Ellie says as I'm alone in her bedroom getting her ready. I wanted us to have a moment alone while everyone else were getting ready too. The fact of the matter is that even though they are all here to support us they don't really understand what we went through and I can't even talk about it with anyone other than joe and my therapist. 

"I know sweetie. Mommy is a little scared too. But we are going to be okay no matter what happens today. You're such a brave little girl and you're going to see today that using your voice is a good thing. That you're going to get up there and tell your truth. I can't promise you what's going to happen after sadly, I wish I could promise you, but I will promise you that telling your truth is always a good thing. You have a voice and I always want you and your sisters to know that you can use it" I tell her and kiss her cheek as I zip her into her jumpsuit. She is wearing a hunter green jumpsuit with long legs and long arms so it's appropriate, but we didn't want her to be in an uncomfortable suit outfit. 

"Do you want braids, or do you want a ponytail sweetie?" I ask her and she asks for two braids.

"Mommy what if they don't believe me. What if they say I'm lying. I'm a good girl and I don't want people to be mad at me, I don't want him to be mad at me" she says in such a soft voice it's hard to hear her. "I wish I could promise you something here Elliana. But I'm not going to lie to you, I can't tell you what they're going to think or that it doesn't matter. But what I can tell you is that the truth always come out in the end of the story. You are a clever little girl and that will benefit you in life" I put elastics on her braids and turn her around. 

I caress her face "never be so polite you forget your power Elliana. You hold the truth and that gives you power, don't let the fear of what he might think overshadow that. Speak the truth and do it politely, but know that the truth gives you power" 

"Am I really powerful? He said I was worthless" she says and look down, so I tilt her little head and gently smile at her "my beautiful little girl. You're one of the strongest people I know. And you're not worthless, you're magnificent and you can do whatever you put your mind to. You are more than enough, and you will always be enough" I say and kiss her forehead as she flings her arms around my neck. 

To give Ellie some quiet joe and I drive in a separate car with her than the car the rest of our people are in. She is holding both of our hands as she is sitting between us and isn't saying anything. I wish I knew what she was thinking, I wish I knew something to say to her that could ease her nerves, but I know that the only thing I really can do is be there for her. 

When we get inside, we are meet with the court officers that follow us to the courtroom. There is a barrier in the hallway where the press is behind, but we walk calmly into the courtroom where we are joined by our lawyer. The rest of our family and friends are in the other room as we don't want to overwhelm Ellie, only the people that absolutely need to be here are here. 

"Elliana Alwyn, can you please make your way to the stand" the judge asks, and I follow her up there "are you okay?" I ask softly and she nods so I go back to my seat next to joe. I hate that she is up there alone, she shouldn't have to do this. She looks so small in that big chair with the big court furniture around her and everyone is looking straight at her which must be uncomfortable. 

"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" the clerk swears her in "yes" she says and sit down. 

The prosecutor frank Gardner gets up from his chair and walk over to her. "Hi Elliana, I want to ask you questions if that's alright?" he asks her. "yes" she says softly but confidently. They use the first name of children in court cases because it makes them feel more comfortable with testifying. Calling her miss Alwyn is a bit too formal for a six-year-old. 

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