The city that never sleeps

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-Taylors Pov-

"Tree hi, what's up. Sorry I didn't pick up earlier, I was talking with Ellie" I tell her and bite my lip, I hope this isn't bad.

"Hi Taylor. I wish I didn't need to call about this. But there is someone out in the media making accusations about you and I don't think we can ignore this" she says, and I sigh. "I figured it was something like that. What's going on?"

She takes a big pause before saying anything and that makes me nervous. "Adams mom is out there throwing serious accusations against you, like she has before, but this time it's different because people are listening to her. She is saying that the whole situation with Adam years ago was staged by you and that you're really the abuser and that your children are in danger" she says.

I sit down on the couch with wide eyes and almost in tears "that's bullshit and she knows it. Her son is the abuser not me. For fucks sake can't that woman leave me alone. I know she has never liked me, not even when we were together, but she goes over the line this time. She is probably the person that contacted CPS in the first place"

"I think she is because she is also saying that the accusations against you is so serious that CPS is looking into it and want to take the kids away" she says and that's all I need break down in tears.

"Why can't I just leave that whole chapter in my past. I don't want anything to do with her and her son. And cps said themself that there is no actual base for the claims because we are fit parents. Fuck..." I say and run my fingers through my hair.

I thought that this could not get leaked to the media, but when it's reveled that Adams moms is behind it, I'm not surprised that its out in the media. She has had a vendetta against me for years and have been looking for absolutely anything she can use against me. It was only a matter of time really before she did something like this.

"Your real fans know that its baseless, but people are digging for anything to be used against you. Honestly, I think you should make a statement but it's up to you of course" she says, and we talk for a bit about what I might say and decide that I probably should say something. So after I hang up with her, I get joe to come in here and tell him about what's begin said.

"let's say something them. Let them know that its baseless and that our children are perfectly fine. And maybe something about thanking cps for looking out for children and taking a serious look at our family to make sure our kids are safe, but that they said we are more than fit to be parents" he says and lay an arm around my shoulders as we sit on the couch.

"yeah, I guess so. I'll write something while you watch the kids" I tell him with a weak smile and give him a big kiss before he goes to make sure Kenzie isn't getting herself into something she shouldn't. That child is all over the place these days.


Never thought I would be here making this kind of statement, but here I am. There are accusations being made against joe and I as parents that are completely baseless and false. The individual that started this, and I'm not going to give them attention by naming named, but have no basis for their claims other than a desperate need to paint us in a bad light because of the history I have with an ex.

This person has never even met our children other than our oldest in court, so it's all completely false and a misuse of the cities resources with sending countless false claims that warrant the city's CPS to take a look at our family.

But we thank the local CPSs office for confirming that we are fit parents, and that they don't let false claims lead to the removal of children that are completely fine. We are totally understanding that they have a job to do, and that is protecting children, but they agree that there is nothing wrong with our home or that our children are in danger.

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