first day of school

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** 5th september 2026**

-taylors pov- 

"it's morning!" aurora comes running into our bedroom where joe and I are sleeping, and I groan and turn towards her. "Good morning aurora" I tell her and rub my eyes before looking at my watch. Its 6am but of course this kid is up, and I hear her high flow alarm going off as she has taken it off. 

I don't want to get out of bed, but I know I need to turn the machine off, so I don that while aurora is climbing into our bed waking up joe. In her eyes everyone needs to be awake if she is even if one of us suggest that mommy or daddy needs a little bit more sleep. 

Eventually Ellie is awake too and I go downstairs with both of them to get the day started. hopefully joe went back to sleep because there is no reason for all of us to be awake at the crack of dawn if we don't have to. 

I make breakfast for the girls, which today is oatmeal with blueberries on top and of course I make some for myself too. we try to eat with the kids as much as we can as it models good eating behavior. 

"Mommy are you following me to school" Ellie asks as she eats and I nod "yes, I'm following you while daddy is home with aurora and Kenzie". We let Ellie decide who she wanted to follow her for her first day and she wanted me. 

"I want school" aurora whines and I can sense a meltdown on the way "aurora tomorrow you and daddy are going to your preschool class. But today you get to play" i tell her and just hope she won't start screaming and end up waking up Kenzie. 

joe comes downstairs with Kenzie in his arms, and I quickly breastfeed her before I follow Ellie upstairs to get her ready for school. 

The private school she is attending have uniforms, so the kids won't compete when it comes to clothing. It also makes it, so everyone is appropriately dressed and not dressing like teenagers in elementary school. 

"Are you nervous?" I ask her as I braid her long blond curly hair. "What if there are mean kids' mommy?" she says. 

"If there is daddy and I will make sure your teacher puts an end to that. We don't tolerate that kind of behavior and I'm sure the school doesn't either sweetie. they want all the kids to feel safe and comfortable at school, so they have a anti bullying policy." 

I wish I could just promise her that it would never happen, but I can't promise that. There are always going to be mean people in the world, and we just need to deal with it appropriately. 

"Good luck at school Ellie, I'm so proud of my little schoolgirl. You're a big girl now" joe says as he lifts her up and twirl her around downstairs while I'm getting her lunchbox out of the fridge that I made last night. 

After taking some pictures on the front step we leave for the school, and I start to get emotional, but I can't show it to her. My first born is starting school today and it's really special, she is growing up so fast. It's like she was a baby yesterday but is going to school today. I know it will be good for her to be in a learning environment, but I feel a little sad that I'm not going to spend all day every day with her anymore. Before we know it, she will rather hang out with her friends than her parents, and then all of a sudden, she is graduating and leaving for college. 

When we get out of the car, I take her hand and walk her into the school. One of my security came in the car with us but he is staying behind to not make a scene. I can feel parents and older kids' eyes on us as we walk into the school which causes me anxiety, but I keep those feelings down. If I start to show that I'm uncomfortable that will rub off on Ellie. 

Thankfully I see Lauren and Abigail, so I walk up to them "hi you two. Wow you look like a big girl Lauren" I say to the almost six-year-old. "They are getting so big. I can't believe they are starting school today" Abigail says after greeting us too. 

Fearless - a jaylor story (peace book 3)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara