interviewing Taylor

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-Taylors Pov-

"She said she was from a place called child protection services" she says softly, and my eyes widen. What the hell do they want with my daugther. 

"Okay, what did they want?" I say and try to keep calm. "They just wanted to ask me about our family. If dad and you hurt me. If you hurt one another. She asked if I felt safe at home, if I was scared. What I think about your job and how that affects me. And what I think you have done with the situation from years ago... The one with... you know" she says, and I pull her into my arms. 

"And then, In recess... one of the bigger kids came up to me and said that they were coming to take me away from you. That they are people that come to your house and take you in the middle of the night" she whimpers and cling to my shirt. "I don't want to be gone again" 

"Darling, you're not going anywhere. There is no reason for them to take you or your siblings. No one is abusive in this house, and that's the truth" I tell her. 

It's hard to know what to say because I don't know why they even showed up in the first place. We haven't done anything to warrant this have we? There is no abuse and there is no neglect. Who sent this and what the hell are they after? 

"let's get you down to do some homework, and then I'm going to talk to dad and see what we should do. Don't worry, we are handling this" I tell her and kiss her forehead before we walk down, and she does her homework. Joe has just finished making dinner and I motion for him to follow me into another room. 

"We need to call our lawyer. Someone from CPS came to their school today and talked with Ellie. She is terrified and I don't know what to tell her. What the hell do they want with our children, we haven't done anything" I groan, and he pulls me in for a hug. "i will go and call the lawyer and get him to contact CPS, you go and eat dinner with the girls and ill handle this" he tells me and kiss my forehead. 

I'm too worked up to make that call without yelling at someone, thankfully joe is better at staying calm than me. After becoming a mom I'm way more emotional than I was before, especially when it has anything to do with the girls. I want to protect the girls from anything bad in the world, and it hurts to know that there is a nasty world out there that I can't protect them from.

I do a lot to give them as much normalcy as possible, but there are sadly things I can't control. I can't control if there are pictures taken of us by fans or a random paparazzi that decided to go to Nashville, or when we are at one of our other houses. There are just some things I can't control. But I can control my reactions and how I handle it all, how normal my behavior is. I try not to freak out when I can see in the corner of my eye someone taking a picture, I try to still go out with the kids when I know the risk. I want them to have experiences like normal kids, so if that comes with discomfort for me that's a price I'm willing to pay. 

I get the girls situated around the table for dinner "where is dad?" Elliana asks "he is making some phone calls, he may join us later, it depends on how long it takes" I tell her. And then I start to ask them about their day at school. 

-joes pov-

I'm making a call to our attorney because this is not okay. They can't show up at their school and question them when there aren't grounds for it. They put added stress on a girl that's already highly sensitive and that makes me really mad. 

Thankfully our lawyer is still at the office and pick up the phone. "hi joe, I heard it was urgent?" he says. 

"Yes. I'll get straight to the point. A lady from CPS showed up at Elliana's school today and obviously it scared her. I don't get what they want with her, we aren't abusive. And I was going to call CPS and yell at them for scaring a nine-year-old, but I figure that it wouldn't make it better, only worse." I tell him and run my fingers through my hair. 

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