Island breeze

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** sunday 5th december **

-Taylors Pov- 

Getting all the kids dressed, in the car with all the baggage and onto the plane was a workout in itself. Kenzie has been fussy all morning as she is teething, Ellie has been asking a million questions about the ocean that I have no idea what to answer about and aurora has been begging for my attention. But finally, we are all situated on the plane and ready for takeoff. 

Ellie, me and Kenzie is sitting on the four-seater and right next to us joe and aurora are sitting on a two-seater. We have learned that splitting up Ellie and aurora is a good idea on planes. And Kenzie is in a car seat we have installed in the plane to keep her safe and contained. 

"Mommy does this mean I don't get to go to ballet?" Ellie finally realizes "yes, we are going to be there for a week. But I did pack your ballet slippers in case you wanted to practice some because I know it calms you down sweetie" I tell her and kiss the top of her head and she smiles. We don't go anywhere without her ballet slippers, we learned that the hard way, it's her favorite thing to do. 

"Why do we have a private plane? Because Lauren doesn't have that, when they went on vacation, she said there was loads of people on the plane and there were babies screaming. But there aren't loads of people here. Only us and the security people, and the flight attendants" Ellie observes. 

"Because it's safer, because of mommy's and daddy's job, to travel like this. We get privacy this way and it's a safety issue if we are on a regular plane" I tell her. 

I haven't taken a commercial plane in years. Actually, I took it to Australia with tom back in 2016, but other than that I've only taken private planes since RED era in 2012, and then got my own jet in 2015 when I was touring for 1989. It's a safety risk if I did it any other way. And since 2016 I've also bypassed going through an airport at all. I am driven straight to the plane and then someone from the customs and border department comes and cheek our passports inside the plane, so we don't need to deal with regular security. That was the way I managed to travel back and forth to London to see joe when we started dating, and I sent my jet to pick him up too and take him to me. 


Its late when we get to our destination, 8pm, and the kids are tired when we reach our big hut near the water that has an infinity pool attached to it. "Okay girls, bedtime, we can explore and have fun tomorrow" joe announce when we go in the door making it clear that its bedtime. 

We made sure that the hut had four bedrooms so we could separate the kids and have a room for us too. Having the kids in shared room would be a disaster, so it was important to get the biggest hut or beach house, you can call it what you want. We are at a resort, but they have huts as well as the main hotel. We could have stayed in the main part, but we wanted some privacy. 

I take Kenzie and Ellie and get them ready for bed while joe takes aurora. We go in Ellies room and get them both in their pajamas and read a book together before I tuck Ellie in and kiss her forehead "good night sweetie, mommy loves you" I tell her, and she smiles "to the moon and to Saturn" and I grin at her "true" 

After turning off the lights and closing the door I go to put Kenzie down in the crib they provided. "I think you're sleepy missy after reading a book with your sister" but I still grab a bottle for her from joe as he has made one after putting aurora to bed and feed it to her before getting her in her crib. She sleeps through the night thankfully, but we have a baby monitor with us just in case she wakes up. 

Finally, joe and I get some alone time, so we grab some wine and sit outside on the porch and look out at the ocean. "it's so pretty here" I say and take a sip of my wine. 

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