headlines and almost time for school

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** 20th august 2026**

-taylors pov- 

I'm sitting outside of the studio where Ellie is having a ballet class. I make a point of going with her as often as I can and not just sending her with the nanny that works for us. We do have a nanny that helps out, but she doesn't work every day, it all depends on what is going on at the moment. It was a hard pill to swallow to even hire one, but we knew we needed to do it for our children. If either joe or I are working a lot, they need someone that can give them consistency. We went through an extensive interview process with the potential candidates and ended up with a wonderful lady called harper that we do really trust. 

She works every once in a while, when joe and I are home, but she works mostly when either joe or i are away for work. 

Elliana is a really talented dancer, that's why she is taking two classes a week on recommendation from her dance teacher. one is a normal ballet class, and the other is a private lesion. We were hesitant to let her take that step, but she is thriving and that's what's most important to both me and joe. It's amazing to watch her preform and learn new stuff, and we don't really push her ourselves she pushes herself to what she is doing. 

She for sure has my stubbornness. When I was young and started to play guitar, I played until it was perfect and there was no one that pushed me to do it. Of course I was older than Ellie, but i'm not going to hold her back just because she is young. But we do make sure that she actually wants to do it and isn't feeling the pressure to success because we don't want that for her. we want her to be a kid. 

Today I'm told she is working on pirouettes which is an important thing in ballet. It can take dancers years to master it properly, but she is really working hard on it. When she has private lessons, they let me in at the end and show me what she is working on. 

When I go in and watch her i'm mesmerized of what she is able to do with her body. She has a natural talent for this and is advancing every single time she is here. She loves to learn, and I think that has a lot to do with it, she loves to learn new skills. 

"i've never seen a kid her age this talented before. And I'm not just saying that, I mean it. It's incredible to watch, I think if she wants to, she can go far. we are all blown away here because it's really abnormal and we are impressed. her skill level is several years ahead" her teacher tells me, and I smile with pride. "its nice to hear what you think. Im not a dancer so I really don't know these things" i tell her honestly. 

We get in the car and Ellie is beaming with happiness "i love ballet. It's so much fun, and miss bailey says I'm doing good" she says proudly. 

"she told me that too. I'm proud of you. I would be proud regardless of what anyone else thinks though. The important thing is that you're working hard, not the result" I tell her. 

When we get home Ellie runs to the home gym, we have in the basement to practice. We put in a dance floor there, big mirrors and a barre. She insisted that she needed somewhere to practice, and we agreed because we see how it calms her down when she does it. I think to her ballet is what music is to me. When I'm having a hard time. I go to the piano, but she goes down there to practice her steps. 

As I'm about to go and make some dinner my phone goes off and its tree. So I go into the music room and close the door behind me so the kids can't hear what she tells me just in case its bad. 

"Hi tree, what's up?" I say and bite my lip, I have a feeling this isn't a positive call. 

"Hi Taylor. I know it's almost dinner time at your house so I will just get right to it. There are pictures leaked of your kids from Katy's birthday party, and then there are comments about your kids" she says, and I sigh. "What are they saying about the kids?" 

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