a moment alone

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** the next day – thursday October 8th**

-taylors pov- 

"Ellie, what do you feel when you're away from mommy" anna asks her as we sit on the couch in her office. 

Ellie looks up at me before looking down at her hands. "Because I don't like it when mommy screams" she says and start to sob, and I wrap an arm around her. 

"When does mommy scream?" she asks and Ellie hyperventilates "when she has to go in the room. I tired... I tried to cover my ears and count in my head... but it was so loud... I don't like it" she whimpers and my heart breaks. 

"Mommy cried and screamed, and I couldn't... I couldn't get to her... bad things happen when we aren't together" she says, and I kiss the top of her head. 

"That sounds really scarry Ellie, I understand that it's scary. But have you been in the room again? Have you seen the room since you got home?" she asks Ellie and she shakes her head "that's right, the room isn't there anymore. So mommy wont scream if you're not together" 

The fact that my six-year-old even thinks about these things break my heart. She shouldn't know what those screams in pain means, she is too little. 

"And mommy... mommy went in there, so I didn't have to... I wanted to go instead... so mommy doesn't hurt..." she says, and I sigh. 

"Baby girl" I start and brush her hair out of her face "remember how we talked about that there are bad grownup things that little girls shouldn't have to do? Mommy didn't want you to hurt that way, you're six years old Ellie, you shouldn't know what kinds of grownup things there are" 

The fact that she was so concerned about me that she would rather take the pain herself is terrifying to hear her say. I can't imagine what she must have felt sitting out in the other room and listening to what happened. Thankfully we were in another room so she didn't see anything, that would have been even worse. But I would have done anything to keep that from happening to her. There is no way that I could continue to live if I knew that he did those things to her. I'm an adult, so even though it was wrong at least I am an adult and not a six-year-old. 

"Your mommy is right Ellie. There are some things that children should not have to do. Your mommy was trying to protect you from it." anna says but it makes Ellie really mad "no! I don't like it" she screams at the top of her lungs, and I lift her into my lap and gently rock her from side to side. 

"Ellie, I promise you. We aren't going back down there. We are safe now and mommy isn't going to scream. Adam can't come and hurt us anymore." I say and brush away my own tears. 

"Yes, he can. He can get out of prison and come and take me" she whimpers and cling to my shirt. "He isn't getting out of prison Ellie. Mommy is going to go and speak in front of a lot of people, so he doesn't get out." 

"Ellie, do you know what illegal means?" anna asks and Ellie cross her arms "of course I do. I'm not a baby like Kenzie. It means when you break the law, and the police can take you because you did something that wasn't allowed" 

"that's right, so when Adam did something that wasn't allowed the police took him" anna argues but Ellie just sigh and lean into my chest. 

** Monday 12th October**

We are at the prosecutor's office that are handling the case against Adam. Joe and our lawyer are here too, and Ellie is on her iPad again with her headphones. She doesn't need to hear us talk about this. 

"We will need you both to testify in court" the prosecutor frank Gardner says and hand us a subpoena for both Ellie and me. 

"Does she really need to testify; she is six years old" I ask and look down at her. "Yes, because you're both victims and she is capable of it. It's important to hear her side of the story too, it will bring weight to the case." 

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