coming home

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-taylors pov- 

I get Ellie out of the car, and she clings to my hand "you're not going anywhere mommy?" she whimpers, and I crouch down in front of her "i'm not going anywhere. We are home now. Grandma Andrea are in there with aurora and Kenzie. So we will get to say hi to them again. But if it gets too much for you just tell me and then we can go upstairs and take some quiet time or do whatever you want okay? Just tell mommy or daddy" I tell her, and she nods. 

Joe opens the door, and we get inside where I hear children's laughter that brings tears to my eyes. We follow the laughter to the playroom and see my mom there with my two youngest children and my mom gasps when she sees me. 

Tears are threatening to fall so I bite my lip and take deep breaths. "mommy" aurora says and come running towards me and I sit down on my knees in front of her "hi aurora, god mommy has missed you so much" I say and wrap her in a hug with the hand that isn't holding Ellies hand. She is scared enough that I don't want to make it worse by letting go of her. 

"i missed you mommy" aurora says, and I kiss her head "i missed you too" I say and smile to her. She looks at Ellie too and give her sister a quick hug before going back to playing.

As I stand up my mom comes over with Kenzie and I turn to Ellie "can mommy get her hand back so I can hold your sister" I ask her, and she nods but hold onto my leg instead and I take Kenzie from my mom. "Hi baby girl" I say and kiss her cheek. "you're so big aren't you" I coo her, and she laughs. 

She isn't that interested in me, so she wiggles and want down on the floor, so I let her down and go to hug my mom instead. I tense when I feel her arms around me and winch in pain, so she lets go "sorry, did I hurt you?" she asks. 

I sigh "yeah, but it's fine. You know... we have been through a lot" I say, and tears are falling from both of our eyes now. "You sure have" she says and kiss my forehead before kneeling in front of Ellie. "Can grandma get a hug Ellie?" 

Ellie starts to cry and throws her arms around my mom's neck "grandma" she whimpers. "Yes Ellie. It's me. You're home now"

When they let go of the hug Ellie takes my hand tightly again "maybe you should go upstairs and get a shower?" my mom asks, and I nod. "I think so too" 

Ellie and I start to make our way to the stairs, but I turn around and look at joe "can you come" with tears in my eyes. I don't want to be alone up there. Thankfully he nods and follow us upstairs and into the bathroom. 

"I will go get you two some cozy clothes and some disinfectant for the cuts, so you don't get an infection" he says, and I nod and turn on the shower. 

"Do you want to go in alone Ellie, or do you want to come with mommy?" I ask her and caress her head "with you. I don't want to be alone" she whimpers, and I force a smile. 

"that's okay, let's get in together then" I say and start to strip of her clothes before taking off my own. "Mommy hurting" she says when she sees how bad my body looks. 

I sigh and crouch down to her level "yes mommy is hurting, but the thing about it is that it's going to get better. Bruises and cuts go away eventually. Just like yours" I kiss her forehead before leading her into the shower. 

Joe comes into the bathroom with the clothes and sit down on the edge of the tub and gently smile at me "i love you" he mutters, and I sniffle "I love you too" I mutter back. There is no other man I could love like I love him. We were always meant to find one another; I just know it. 

The water running down our bodies are filthy, and I can see the dirt on the white marble floor as I start to wash Ellies blond and curly hair before washing my own. 

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