first day of the school year

577 18 16

** Monday September 3rd 2029**

-Taylors Pov- 

"Ellie sweetie, it's time to get up and go to school" I go into her room and turn on the lights and lightly caress her face "its morning" I tell her, and she groans. She hats waking up early. "no, I don't want to go" 

"You have to go. Come on, get ready, you don't want to be late" I say and kiss her cheek before making sure her uniform is ready to go. Joe is getting aurora out of bed and dressed while I quickly get myself ready. Kenzie is still sleeping so we are trying to be quiet not to wake her yet. Harper our nanny is coming to take her to a playgroup and then to the park, but joe can get her ready while I take the older girls to school. 

I put on a pair of jeans and a nice top before quickly doing some makeup and brushing my hair. I've mastered the art of getting ready in under ten minutes because that's all I get when I have three kids. But it's no big deal. 

"Mom, can you braid my hair" Ellie comes into my room with her hairbrush in hand. "of course, but are you sure you want braids today too?" I ask her as she sits down, and I start to brush her curly blond hair. "Yes, I don't like my hair. It's so frizzy, I wish I had your hair or Kenzie's hair. It's so unfair that I have so ugly frizzy hair" she groans. 

"Sweetie, I love your hair. You're beautiful in every single way. I had curly hair like you when I was a child" I tell her. I hate that she is feeling this way about herself, she is only nine that shouldn't even be on her mind. 

"i'm still going straight to ballet after, right?" she says "yes" when she entered first grade, we moved her to a ballet studio instead of doing a studio that have lots of different kinds of dance. Its more professional which joe and I was hesitant about, but Ellie really wanted to go and her teachers at her old studio said it would be better for her. 

"i'm excited that I can finally compete in YAGP in the spring" she says and smile as I put the elastics in her hair. "That sounds fun. But remember that ballet is not everything in life. You have so many talents and I don't want you to put all this pressure on yourself in ballet" I tell her. 

"yeah, I know you tell me ten times a day. But I really want this. I'm so excited for the solo we are working on, it's so pretty" she says, and I think it's pretty too. These days she takes two private lessons a week and two classes with the intermediate students. She is the youngest in the class, but her teacher said it was more appropriate for her. 

Now her teacher is however talking about starting point work and I'm nervous about that. I've heard you shouldn't start that before you're like twelve, but she said that her ancles are strong enough for it, so they are insisting. Ellie seems really excited, and I don't want to keep her back from advancing, but I'm just scared. The only reason why we are even considering allowing her is that she is only going to do it in her private lesions for now so we can be sure she has the proper technique, so she doesn't end up hurting herself. 

I send Ellie to get her backpack ready and ballet bag that's just going to stay in the car while she is at school. She insists on doing that herself because she is terrified that either joe or I are going to forget something important. Ellie is a perfectionist and needs things to be a certain way or she freaks out. It's something I wish we could work on, but she is refusing. She was going to therapy but after one year she refused to ever go again, so she hasn't been since she had just turned seven. I think it was too soon after everything happened but there hasn't been anything we could say to her to get her to go. 

We could have picked her up and forced her to go but that wouldn't do any good. Therapy doesn't work if you're forced to go so we are letting her make that choice for herself now. We pressured her in the beginning because it was fragile and we saw that she needed It, but now she seems fine most of the time. 

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