is there basis for the reports?

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-Taylors Pov- 

I leave joe at the CPS office to go pick up aurora and Ellie from school. My mind can't help to wander to what could possibly happen because of this. They won't take our children, right? We haven't done anything wrong. I don't know where these accusations are even coming from, and they are scaring me. The kids are fine, and we protect them as well as we can, there is nothing going on that they could possibly point fingers at. 

But I am dragged back to the time when I was pregnant with Ellie, and I didn't feel like I was ready to be a parent. There has been so much crazy stuff in my life that having kids was something I was terrified off. Having kids would be throwing them into this crazy world I live in, and it didn't feel fair on them. But at the same time, we do everything we can to give the kids as much normalcy as we can. I don't know what more we can do really, we do whatever we can. 

I go to auroras classroom to pick her up and Ellie is outside of her classroom waiting for me. That's the deal we have about pickup, that she goes straight to auroras classroom. "Hi sweetie" I say and kiss her forehead "Mom, not at school" she groans silently. Aperently everything I do these days is embarrassing. 

"mommy" aurora says excitedly as she comes skipping out of her classroom and wrap her tiny arms around me. In her eyes I'm not embarrassing at least. 

-joes Pov-

"mr alwyn let's start with talking about your relationship with your wife" she starts and go on to ask me a series of questions about how we meet. "You decided to jump into her crazy life, why?" 

"Because I fell for her. When you have those feelings everything else fades into the background" I say and shrug my shoulders. There is no doubt in my mind that I made the right choice with getting into a relationship with Taylor, I love her and that's the most important thing to me. 

"Has there ever been resentment and fights about the danger her job puts you in and now puts your children in" she says and take notes "no. I don't resent her at all. I do sometimes resent the medias need to dig into our private life, but that's not her fault and I never hold that against her. We do everything we can to give the children as much normalcy as we can" 

"You were accused of abuse in 2020 how did that play out afterwards? Were you ever interviewed by the police?" she asks, and I expected this question to come up, so I'm not surprised. "It was a misunderstanding. I've never laid a hand on Taylor like that, and she made that crystal clear with her statement. The police didn't see a need to interview me when Taylor explained to them what happened so no" 

"When did you find out about the alleged abuse Taylors ex did before you meet. And about the abortion" she asks. "She told me at the end of her pregnancy with Ellie about the abuse, she wasn't ready to talk about it before that and I respect that. She isn't obligated to tell me what happened before we meet, she is entitled to have stuff left in the past if that's what's right for her. And as for the abortion I found out by accident in the first doctor's appointment, but I let her have her time to tell me. I made it clear that she doesn't owe me an explanation for that. It's her body and her choice" she goes on and ask me questions about what I know about the incidents between her and Adam. It feels invasive and I don't feel good sitting her and talking about details of Taylors past relationships. I don't understand how its relevant to this. 

"it's common for victims of abuse to then go on and abuse others. Have Taylor ever been abusive to you or the kids" She asks, and I resent those questions. "Never, Taylor have never shown any signs of abusing either me or the kids. Just because she went through a nightmare before I meet her doesn't mean that she is going to be abusive. Sure, that happens with some victims, but it's never been an issue with her" 

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