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** august 24th 2029**

-Taylors Pov-

"Ellie, are you ready?" I call from downstairs where I've been getting ready for the movie premiere. Ellie and I are in LA for the frozen 3 premiere, and we are excited. It's been a few years since I started the project, but these kinds of movies take time.

"Coming mom" Ellie says as she skips down the stairs. She is almost nine years old now and amazes me every day. She is wearing a white pretty dress that's long enough to reach her knees and it has a slight sparkle to it. "you're so pretty munchkin" I tell her and kiss her head "Mom, you're embarrassing" she says and giggle. "I know but I'm your mom, I'm allowed to be embarrassing"

"Just don't do something weird there please" she groans as we walk out the door and I chuckle. I don't usually bring the kids to stuff like this, we like to give them as much of a normal life as possible, but Ellie was begging me to come, and I figure it would be fun with a girl's trip. At home the two younger kids are always running around too so she was begging for some time alone with me and I don't blame her. Aurora is almost six years old and Kenzie is three and a half. So in a couple of weeks aurora is tarting school too while Ellie starts 3rd grade.

"Are you exited for school in two weeks?" I ask her as the driver is taking is to the blue carpet. Frozen does a blue carpet instead of a red carpet and I think that's pretty cool. "No, I don't like it. Kids are mean and then I have to sit in boring lectures. I don't understand why you don't just homeschool me. That way I can spend the hours I would normally be in school at the dance studio instead doing what I actually like to do. And play the piano too. We all know I can all the stuff they are supposed to teach me in school anyway" she says and shrugs.

"If the kids are still mean Ellie, I need to talk to your teachers again--" I start, and she looks at me like I killed someone "don't you do that mom. It only makes it worse" she groans. "Sweetie, if people are bullying you, I need to know names and I need to talk to your teachers. And school is important even though you think it's too easy. At some point there is going to be something you need to work more on, and it being easy isn't a valid reason to drop out of school. You're nine years old Ellie, you don't know if you're going to pursue ballet, and besides your father and I have said that dropping out of school is never an option." I tell her the same thing I've told her over and over again.

She is stubborn, but I'm not surprised she is after all my daughter and I'm pretty stubborn myself.

"i'm not telling you their names because it will only make it worse. Just leave it mom please. I'm not setting my foot in that school yard if you talk to the teachers" she says and I sigh "deal, but if it gets worse you are telling me the names and I will tell the administration. We do not tolerate bullying Elliana"

We make it to the event and tree is there to make sure that things run smoothly. When we get out of the car there are a lot of people there and flashing cameras at every angle around us. "Hi Taylor, hi Ellie" tree says and led us to where we need to go.

I turn to Ellie "you can choose if you want to go with me or stay with tree while I walk the carpet sweetie" I tell her, and she takes my hand "i'm going with you" she says, and I nod.

We never want to put the kids in a situation where they are forced to be in front of the camera. But I wrap an arm lightly on her back and we start to walk the carpet when it's out turn. Ellie has never been on one of these before, so she seems exited.

"Taylor, is that your daughter?!"

over here!"

"To your right Taylor!"

As usual they scream at us where we are supposed to look and all that. I don't understand why they always have to yell but whatever, its over soon. I keep looking at Ellie to make sure she is okay, the second she is uncomfortable I will go home instead. It's not worth it to have her uncomfortable, we will just go home and snuggle on the couch eating ice-cream and watching a movie.

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