Infinity: It's Us For Life

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This is part six of Infinity; Alex and Perrie series.

From that moment, he bumped into her. He knew she was the one for him. Alex didn't realize she was the one that worked at a cafe shop five years ago. He was a businessman before being fired and became the lovable football player from Arsenal/Liverpool. He never knew she had a beautiful voice; he means, who would have known? She has freckles that he adores and has a cute hairstyle that makes it seem she is a princess.

When Alex looked at her. he smiled. he knew their career paths would get in the way of their relationship, but he wanted it to work. He doesn't want to grow up old and alone. He wants to grow up old and with a lover and kids.

He looks back at her before saying, "Hello."

With those words, they set off sparks in their hearts. The flickering lights above them made the moment seem real to Alex. He doesn't want it to be a dream. He found the girl he wanted to love five years ago in his arms, looking at him.

He was going to say something when she excused herself and ran off. he frowned as he thought she scared her off. he was going to leave when she shouted, "Look for Little Mix, I'm sorry my friend is waiting for me!"

He was going to cry when he heard a chant going on outside. He walks out to see that woman sitting next to another one with a darker skin tone than her. They were absolutely stunning. He then hears the chant again.

"Little Mix. Little Mix. Little Mix."

He sighs before grabbing his phone from his pocket to see if he has ten minutes before halftime. He quickly searches up Little Mix to see they are a British girl group formed on the X-factor in 2011. Alex was amazed to see- wait, her name is Perrie Edwards. That is such a beautiful name. How could he forget?

He then saw he had a minute. He was going to leave when he saw a dropped twenty on the floor. He picks it up and hopes he can catch the blonde soon. He went back on the field and played the rest of the match.

He hopes his relationship with Perrie will be magical. He hasn't had a long-term girlfriend yet, and he hopes she would say yes to his dating request. He wants this relationship to feel like Messi and Roccuzzo's relationship because they knew each other a year before they went into fame and popularity.

He decided to do the one thing he had to do. He decided to record himself singing one of their newest songs, 'Your Love.' Alex @'s Perrie before going to sleep.


Perrie went on her phone quickly as she looked through her shoutouts to see one that sparked her interest. It was one with a @Alexoxchamberlain. She clicks on his name to see Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain come up. She noticed he mentioned her in his story. She follows him before looking at his story to see a paragraph about something and him singing, "Your love."

She smiles, wondering who the lucky woman is. She reads the paragraph before seeing the words blonde, blue eyes, and a bob haircut. She looks at herself to see all of those describing her. She smiles before @ him in her story. She was chilling in the backyard with hatchi when she decided to add a picture to her story, and then and there, she @ him.

It was just one word on it.


Alex then responds and sends her to meet him near the Eiffel Tower in a hotel at midnight. She did and decided to put on her best outfit to go and meet him, as this was probably their last chance to meet again before their hectic schedule got to them.

As Perrie arrives there, she spots Alex looking at the moon. She smiles as she approaches him.

"I finally get to see you again..."

Perrie was confused at those words.

"It's me-that one businessman from the cafe five years ago. You were working as a barista and handing people coffee and snacks."

"You also dropped this." He gives her the twenty she dropped while at the game.


"Wait- That was you?" Perrie says, surprised at it; she knew him before this fame.

"I know this is all going too fast, but perrie, would you like to be my girlfriend? I wish I could take you on a date, but another match is starting a week from now, and I have to get home to sleep and be ready in the morning for intense training..."

At this point, Alex is just blabbing words and making Perrie giggle. Perrie cuts him off by kissing him.

She pulls away before saying, "Of course." She hugs him as he hugs her.

This is us.

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