Infinity: Marry Me

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This is part ten of Infinity; Alex and Perrie series.

As Perrie looks around her bed, the empty feeling of Alex not here bothers her, almost to the point that she has to have Hatchi sleep on the bed.

"It's just not the same." She says to Hatchi, who is just sitting in her lap.


"I can't understand you; I wish I could; that would be awesome, then It would be nice to have someone to talk unlike talking to just a little cute puppy."


"What is it?"


"Yes, I know it's weird that I talk to myself."


"Why is it taking so long for Alex to come back."


"No, it's just scary."


"No, I'm not clingy, Hatchi,"

Hatchi turns a little to the right like someone is curious.

"Okay, maybe I am, but I don't want to lose Alex."

Hatchi lays down before covering her eyes.

"Why are you doing that, Hatchi, hungry?"

Hatchi whines before getting off the bed and going to the extra room that has her food & water bowl. Perrie gets up and follows Hatchi to the room. Hatchi then brings a toy over, sort of like a distraction for Alex.

"Alright, we can play for a while."

Perrie and Hatchi were busy playing fetch and following the squeak. Hatchi looks around before seeing Alex walking to their room slowly. Like a perfect puppy, he distracted Perrie from going to the room.

"Okay, Hatchi, you see this," Alex says, holding a brand-new toy and a bone. Hatchi continues wagging her tail as she barks.

"Okay, don't tell Mommy where I'm at, okay, don't give it away."

"Bark! Bark!"

"Good, fetch," Alex says, locking the door and going to get something for them and Perrie.

Dogs may not remember anything, but Hatchi loves it when her owners talk to her like she's a child. Hatchi continues to go in circles around the room.

"Hatchi, why are you so energetic!" Perrie whines as she lies down on the couch.


"What is it?" Hatchi goes and brings the new toy.

"Hatchi, did you get this? Where did it come from."

"Bark." As Hatchi does that, he looks behind her.

"Is there someone-"


Perrie gets up to hug Alex.

"Where have you been? Cause there isn't any practice today, and I didn't have to go and record anything today. Where were you."

"Getting something for you."

"Ohh, mysterious."

"Just for you, baby."


"Okay, maybe for all of us." Alex corrects.


"What am I going to do with you, Hatchi." Hatchi comes over to Alex and gives him the new toy.

"Strange, where did this come from," Alex says, smiling.


"Okay, but I mean, he needs new toys cause he's been playing with the same three boxes of toys, okay."

"But he has three boxes of toys!"

"The same amount of clothes you have."

"Oh no, it's like a giant crate of clothes."

"But come on," Alex says, dragging her to their dining area.


"Okay," Perrie says as she talks a sit in her usual one.

"So what are you going to tell me or do."

"First, here."

As Alex says, he places Perrie on a plate of spaghetti and meatballs with a glass of red wine.

"Ooo, fancy,"

"Just for you."

After a while, Alex was getting a bit nervous as he looked around the room. He is looking at something so that he doesn't have to look at Perrie. 'I can do this.' He whispers to himself.

"Perrie. We've been dating for a long time, and I know you're pregnant, so I want to add more happy things to the list; so, will you marry me?" Alex says as he kneels and holds the box before her. 'The ring.' Perrie thinks. 'Don't even get me started on how it is.'

"Alex, it's gorgeous. I- I'm amazed." She looks back at him before smiling.

"Yes. I will marry you!"

Perrie gets up from her side to kiss Alex. Don't even get Hatchi started, and he looks at the CD player at the corner of the house before pushing a green button with her nose. The familiar tune of 'Cásate Conmigo' starts to play.

"Hatchi," Perrie says, looking at Hatchi, who was sitting down and biting on the bone while giving the two a dog smile.

"He's too cute. Like you, Perrie." Alex says as he hugs her tight once again.

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