Infinity: Football With Her

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This is part four of Infinity; Alex and Perrie series.

The sunlight blazes through the windows of Alex and Perrie's indoor gym, they have a couple minutes down from their home. Perrie goes there to train Hatchi with the mini-games they have set up there. Perrie tries to make Hatchi go through a hole in the wall when he lays down and does that one face when he is confused. Perrie sighs before lying down next to her dog. She gets up and carries Hatchi to the gym's hotel to lie in bed. She texted Alex to tell him she would be at the gym till 9. Alex would be back from practice in an hour and a half.

She was going to fall asleep when Hatchi barked at her. She opens her eyes to see Hatchi barking and tugging on her arm. "What?" she says as Hatchi jumps off the bed to start, then walks toward where Alex has his football equipment.

It isn't much, just a goalie and a football. There are tee shirts that are different colors of the rainbow. She puts on a blue one before following Hatchi to see him next to a football. Hatchi begins to move the ball with his nose. Perrie coos at sight before kicking the ball lightly. It rolls a bit before stopping as Hatchi rolls on it.

The football is a Liverpool one, like an actual one. Perrie changes into the cleats, red shorts, and Alex's Liverpool shirt, which would have Alex's last name. Oxlade-Chamberlain on it. She included his number. 25. It's pretty beautiful when you see Perrie wearing it. Perrie did her hair in a high ponytail and was then ready.

She heads to the middle of the gym and tries kicking the ball up but fails. Perrie did this until she could keep the ball up on her feet. She was determined to get the ball up and off the ground. That is until Perrie heard a voice coming from the doors.

"Perrie! Lovely. Where are you?"

Alex is a mile away from where she is at. She quickly hides the ball, changes into her pajamas and slippers, and heads to where Alex is.

"What were you doing in the gym?" Alex asked Perrie as she sat in Alex's lap; they were both on the bench there.

"Trying to get on good terms with football," she responds as Alex smiles before stealing a kiss from Perrie.

"You could have told me to teach you," Alex says as he looks into Perrie's eyes.

"Yay!" Perrie shouts as she gets up and heads to the bathroom to change back into the outfit she had on from before. Perrie comes out from the toilet to see Alex kicking the ball into the goal. She felt jealous as she wanted to be as good as Alex, but she had a specialty in singing. As she walks over, Alex stops what he is doing to stare at Perrie. The shirt has his last name on it, which makes it seem that her name is Perrie Oxlade-Chamberlain.

"Perrie. You look wifey material right there. I love the shirt you have on." he says as he comes over with the red ball.

"Thank you, lovely! And I can't wait to be your wifey!" Perrie agrees with Alex as she gets on to a side of the gym. She watches as Alex demonstrates how to do the basics, like hold the ball, kick it over, and run with it. Perrie already knew these, so she pretended not to know them so she could have more kisses from Alex.

"Now, kick the ball back to me. Got it?" Alex says as he kicks the ball to Perrie. Perrie mimics Alex's kick and kicks it back to him.

"Good job," Alex says as Perrie feels like a dog as he says that, but that doesn't matter. She loves it when someone compliments her on doing something good.

As the night went on, Perrie learned the primary and intermediate tricks. She was going to get water when she saw Alex answer a phone call. He waves at her, signaling to go and bring water. She stays a bit to see Alex's face turn into a shocked and happy one.

"Do it, please. I want it booked before 2020, okay." Alex ends the call only to feel a pair of arms wrap around him.

"Come on. Let's go home and watch some movies," Alex says as Perrie's eyes twinkle at the idea. She took her clothes in the back of Alex's range rover. They begin to go home with, of course, Hatchi.

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