I was Faithful: The Accident

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This is part two of I was Faithful; Leigh Anne and Perrie series.

Closing the door to her home, Perrie made her way to her car. If Leigh Anne could leave her and expect not to hear Perrie's side of the story, she would be wrong to think she would stop at that and cry to sleep. Instead of doing that, Perrie is going out and having fun, just like Leigh Anne. She wore a black mini dress with long gloves and black high heels. Perrie didn't style her hair and did the sexiest face of makeup she could think up, sharp cat eyeliner and red lips.

Perrie was heading to the nearest club that was still open and partying hard. She wants to forget what had just happened. Perrie wants to believe that it was just a dream and she will be back in Leigh Anne's hands again, but at the same time, she doesn't like those girls she was with. They are bad news, which does not make Perrie feel easy.

She would make Leigh Anne regret accepting that her friends were right. Perrie is the whole damn package, and Leigh Anne left her on the porch for someone else to steal, but Perrie doesn't want anyone else. She wants Leigh Anne. After she showed her id to the bouncer at the front doors, she was inside of a club she managed to find. The place was crowded with loud music and party goers screaming their hearts out to the music. She might no longer be Leigh Anne's type but for sure, she is the type of any other woman gaping at her in this club. Perrie loved how their eyes followed her to the bar. Their mouths couldn't be closed no matter how hard they tried to keep it from coming back down.

The dress complimented her body so much, her hips, thighs, and calves were so pleasing to any woman's eyes. Did she mention she went to a gay club...? She didn't mind the attention she got, she loves it. It made her feel wanted after what Leigh Anne and her friends did. Someone hands wrapped around her waist as Perrie turned to look at who is holding her. She smiles as the woman grinned back at her. "What's someone like you doing alone here, hm?"

"Forgetting someone, how about you, baby?" Perrie flirted as she stares into the lady's eyes, mesmerized by the way they sparkled when looking at her. But something lingered as she stared for a few more minutes. She could even see something was up as the lady beside her slowly turned into Leigh Anne. Perrie tried to enjoy her night but every time her eyes glanced back at the one beside her, her eyes turned into a dark brown color. She immediately found herself laying in her room reminiscing about Leigh Anne holding her tightly after a stormy night.

"Enjoying the view I'm seeing right now," she breathed as she caressed Perrie's hair behind her ear. It brought her away from Leigh Anne as she glances at the one that is beside her. Perrie felt like she was throwing away the relationship instead of fighting for it. The lady beside her was leaning in to give Perrie a kiss when they both heard someone gasping. Perrie looked around the bar to find her, Leigh Anne, standing right beside her ordering something to drink.

"Perrie, I—"

"Oh hi, stra—?" The words were stuck on the tip of her tongue as Perrie tried to not utter another word out. She was genuinely curious of dating someone else after her fallout with Leigh Anne but seeing her standing there in that navy blue sleeveless dress. A dress that Perrie has seen setting in their closet for over a year now. Perrie eyes went down Leigh Anne's eyes to gaze at the sexy crisscross strings that went from her hips and down to her thighs, leaving the front view of the dress looking so delicate to the view. Perrie's attention was no longer on the lady beside her but now on the one leaving her side. She didn't want to be just another one in Leigh's eyes, she wanted to be the one. She didn't want to admit it but seeing Leigh Anne there in that dress sparked something in Perrie. A fiery pit lit inside of her as she bit her lip. Getting off the stool, she was now chasing after the one who dumped. After bumping, knocking someone's drink out of their hands, and breaking up a kiss between a couple. Perrie managed to catch up to Leigh as she grabbed her hands, no longer seeing the drink in her hands but a mini purse instead. Perrie's eyes sparkled as she tilted her head a little. "Leigh Anne—"

"Perrie, don't—"

"I don't care, I want you. I can't let this go. I can't let you go. I love you so much that I can't even imagine you not being mine. I know you might have a different idea but please, hear me out—"

"Ew, girl! Why are with her? I thought we told what that scumbag did to you? Do you still love her after what she did to you?"

"What I did? You mean what you guys told her!" Perrie shouted back as she stood her ground. Her eyes were focused, she didn't have a ounce to drink tonight. She didn't even want to come out but it was the only way to find Leigh Anne quicker. Knowing that she would be out with her friends, she went to the first ever place Leigh met Perrie. At the gay bar down the street from the taco place.

"Wait? You didn't kiss that guy?" Leigh Anne blurted out as she looks at Perrie.

"Heck no. Why would I? He has a boyfriend and I have you," Perrie proclaimed as she looks back at Leigh's fake friends struggling to come up with a different story to convince Leigh Anne of something else.

"You two lied to me. Why?" Leigh Anne was heartbroken, her friends from college lying to keep from committing to a relationship.

"We hate that every since you starting dating that lousy woman, you never want to hang out with us anymore!" Amanda said as she crossed her arms, thinking she made a point.

"Leigh Anne wait!" Lillian tried to warn Leigh Anne but she was too late as she glanced at Amanda.

"Fuck you guys, I never want to see you ever again!" Leigh Anne shouted at them as she took Perrie's hands in hers. She smiled as she tugged her towards her, "let's get out of here, baby."

Perrie blushed as she followed behind Leigh Anne out of the door and into Perrie's car. They didn't care what the other two girls were screaming at them about. Perrie was only smiling and giggling with Leigh Anne as she tossed her the keys. The car starts up and they were out of the place.

She was Leigh's most lovely passager princess. The window were down and the music is loud. Leigh Anne is driving them back home when she realized something is off about the car. She slowly looked at Perrie as she smiled behind her fear. The traffic light is nearing them but Leigh Anne feared something isn't right and she is correct. Her foot slammed down on the breaks only to find them not working. She darted her eyes to look at Perrie, she whispered out a "I love you," and before they could realize what has happened. The sudden collision with another car made the car they were drying to flip. The car screeched down the street as Leigh Anne screamed. The shattering of the glass windows and windshield made small scratched on their skin as Perrie's frightened screams filled Leigh's ears. Leigh held her hands out towards Perrie but the only thing she received was a handful of blood and darkness.

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