Infinity: Heart Never Lies

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This is part eight of Infinity; Alex and Perrie series.

When we think of a relationship, we often start off with butterflies and hopes. False hope that is as we believe we have found the one. Forever in debt to the other for saving us in this brief moment. Only for our significant other to leave us immediately after a fight. We often forget that not everyone can carry that feeling forever. Some drop the feeling and chase something new, someone... better.

Leaving us behind with a broken heart.

Perrie always believes that Alex is the one for her. We knew what we liked, disliked, and loved about each other. There was nothing wrong with us. We always talked when we wanted something to be done. There was nothing in the world that couldn't have been resolved without bottles being thrown. Violence wasn't what our mommy taught us, but she did teach us that secrets are okay. To some extent, some are fine. It's when they have a negative outcome that they are terrible.

She is lying on the couch, reading on her kindle, only to spot Alex walking to the door. Coat in his hand and phone in the other. At that point, he was nearly dropping both of his stuff when he managed to put on his coat. Turning off my kindle before walking toward Alex. She went in to embrace him to tell him the usual when he received a phone call. "Yeah, I'll be there. No, it's fine. I'll get there in a bit."

He left her standing at the door as she held out her hand toward him. "Perrie, I'm heading out. Don't wait up!"

Opening and closing the door behind him. He left her by the door once again. It's like he's purposely ignoring her for something special later on. But did he have to shut her out this close to their anniversary?

There was no way of hiding her frown or tears when she's been treated like some wall for a couple of days now. Maybe something is wrong with his friends and he decided it was best to be with them, but then again. Was she just someone he could come home to and just treat like some maid? It has been getting to that point that she is starting to suspect another woman had entered his mind.

Making her way up the stairs to their shared bedroom. She leaves the door slightly ajar to let Hatchi come inside, but it didn't matter as Hatchi was already in bed. Hoping to forget what happened a couple of minutes ago, she jumps in bed to cuddle with Hatchi. It seems that Hatchi is the one for Perrie since he always listens to Perrie and understands what she needs.

Perrie made up her mind. This relationship has been going downtown ever since they hit the 3rd year mark of dating. First, it is Alex going with his friends then it's going with her. Her best friend, Jade. Perrie doesn't know what is real anymore. So she decides to call up one of her friends and close foe. Her neighbor is Darcy Malls.

"Hey, girl?" Darcy says as she walks in with a teddy bear and some chocolates.

"Hey," Perrie says as she hugs her.

"What's wrong?" She says.

"Alex keeps on leaving me here and there and I feel like he's cheating on me," Perrie says as she looks at Darcy. Darcy feels very guilty. She knows why Alex is doing this. She was sworn to not tell Perrie.

"Don't worry. Alex has something for you, or else he will be getting a kick somewhere." Darcy says.

"So how is little Hatchi," Darcy says as he barks.

"Good. He's been hyper ever since Alex left." Perrie says.

"Strange. Must be something happening soon." Darcy says as she winks. Perrie didn't see Darcy wink.

"So how's your love life?" Perrie asks her.

"Alright. I've been seeing a gal lately. Her name is Sam." Darcy says.

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