Forgetting is Hard

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This is Forgetting is Hard; Jade and Perrie/ Jordan oneshot.

Jade softly giggled as her boyfriend kissed her cheek. She wrapped her hands around his chest as she snuggled closer to him. He kisses her once more as they continue to cuddle on the sofa when a phone call rings from the living room. Jade and Jordan look at each other before getting up and walking to the living room. Jade picked up the phone as Jordan rested his hands on her waist, kissing her neck.


"Jade! Jade! Come quick!" A frantic voice is heard on the other line as Jade holds the phone close to her.

"Caitlyn? Is something wrong?"

"It's Perrie, she-" A hiccup stopped Caitlyn from continuing as Jade heard her sobbing on the other line. "She's in terrible condition. The doctors won't tell me anything!"

"What! No! That is absurd," Jade was trying to piece the puzzle about what happened to Perrie. It didn't matter; Perrie was in the hospital, and she didn't have the time in the world to wait. Immediately running to put on her shoes and a jacket, Jade left Jordan in the dark and ran around the house to gather her things.


"Jordan, she's in the hospital."


"My ex-wife. The mother to my son," Jade said as she grabbed a black jacket from the coat hanger by the door.

"Why didn't you say that? Let's go then," Jordan spoke as he rushed to pick up Jade's kid, who was inside his room playing Minecraft. "Cole, we got to go."


"It's your mother; she's in the hospital," Cole nodded as he grabbed his notebook as he hoped to have time to show Perrie some drawings he had of her. He happily followed his stepdad to the door, where he saw his mom drying away some tears from her eyes.

"Mom, are we gonna visit Momma!" He beamed as he jumped over to hug Jade's legs; meanwhile, Jade was having a breakdown as she found out that her ex-wife might be dying and she won't be able to do anything about it.

"Yeah, but we won't be able to do it at her home," Jade started as she held Cole in her arms. "She's in the hospital, Bub."

"Why is Momma in the hospital? Is she okay?" Cole spoke as he looked at Jade as she buckled him inside his car seat.

"We don't know," Jade honestly spoke as she glanced over at Jordan, who brought her purse and Cole's bag. "But we can see her right now..."

"Okay!" He cheered as he raised his hands in the air, still young to the fact that his mother wasn't doing well and hadn't been for the past few months. After Perrie visited her father in prison, she got sick after that day, and she hasn't been getting better. Her vitals are weak by the next day, and it's been a day that Jade has wished never to see.

When they got to the hospital, Jade immediately ran to the doors of the receptionist to ask about Perrie-knowing well enough that Jordan would bring Cole inside. She is impatient with Perrie being hospitalized for more than she targeted.

"I'm here for Perrie Louise Edwards," Jade spoke as she placed her hands on the chair as the receptionist searched for Perrie on her computer.

"Family members of Ms. Edwards?"

"Yes, we- I was her wife."

"They will call you over... please have a seat," she said, pointing to the lobby. Jade sighs as she nods, walking over to sit beside her boyfriend. She wrapped her arms around him as she felt her entire world flip. Jade couldn't comprehend how the most wonderful mother, partner, and friend was dying soon. How did it go downhill?

Jade couldn't comprehend how she could explain to her son that her own mother wasn't going to make it out of the hospital to come to his recital this Friday. Jordan wrapped his hand around Jade as he held her tight-knowing well enough that this isn't going to go down with Jade well.

"Family of Ms. Perrie Edwards?" A nurse spoke as she directly looked at Jade.

"That is us," Jade stood up as she held her son close to her.

"Right this way," we followed behind the nurse as we watched other doctors and nurses tending to patients. It was until we made it to a room isolated from the others that the nurse looked at us.

"She is right in this room," the nurse opened the door to let us in.

"Momma!" Cole is the first one inside of the room as Jade thanked the nurse and walked inside, but Jordan stood by the door.


"You should talk to her, I'll be out here," he spoke as he followed the nurse out to the nearest lobby.

Jade slowly turned to find Cole bringing out his notebook to show Perrie his drawings. Jade breathes out as she walked over to Perrie, with each step closer to Perrie. She felt her stomach coil at the machinery around Perrie.

"You came," Perrie beamed as she weakly held her hands over to bring Cole into a hug. Jade took in how Perrie looked as she spotted a mask and an oxygen tank beside her.

"Of course, I-"

"I'm sorry," Perrie started off first as she looked at Cole and Jade.

"You did nothing wrong," Jade reassured as she walked over to be standing by Perrie's legs.

"But I never told you what really happened to me. I never told you that I had pneumonia or that-"

"I don't care, Perrie. I care that I got to see you before you left..." Jade trailed off as she spots Cole showing Perrie a picture of them as a family, he even included a stick figure of Jordan and Caitlyn.

"Coco! Is that me?" Perrie chirped as she pointed to a stick figure with yellow lines as hair.

"Momma!" He nodded as he continued to flip pages with Perrie on the bed.

Jade, on the other hand, paced around in the room as she continued to watch them interact. Perrie was getting more paled by the day, she was more pale than Jade's walls in her living room. It's saddening to see her slowly deteriorate right in front of her eyes., to see her struggling to make sure her son wasn't worried about anything.

"Jade," Perrie spoke out Cole jumped off the bed. "Come here."

Jade obliged and walked over to stand beside her. From the door, she can spot Jordan waiting their silently with Cole, all of them knowing that at any second it could end. "Now, I don't want to see you crying about me, I know you wanted to prevent it from coming this quick but you got to let it go. It's not your fault. You did everything you could..."

Jade wipes the tears from her face as she sucked in a breath, "Perrie, I-" she is cut short when the flatline beeping startled her.

"Perrie!" Jade cried out as she reached out to hold Perrie's hand in hers. "Pez, listen to me, don't do this to me- don't leave me... I can't do this. I can't be without you, Perrie!"

The doctors and nurses came in rushing to aid Perrie and by doing so, they pushed Jade out of the way. Jade was left with her hands in the air as she stared at Perrie's heartbeat machine, her breathing hitched when she heard the flatline sound ringing throughout the room. Jade's ears ringed alongside the noise as she felt herself loosing balance. This isn't it. This isn't all the time she has with her. No- I refused to believe this is all I get with her. This slither of time to cram everything that has happened since.

A nurse tending to Perrie noticed Jade still inside of the room, it's heartbreaking for them to see this happening most of the time. Having to break the nurse to the family while they were just trying to enjoy the moment together. The nurse walked over to Jade and wrapped a hand around her, leading her out of the door, "I'm so sorry, honey, but she's gone."

She's gone. That's it. Just like that, Jade lost her best friend, ex-wife, and mother to his son in just one night. The third best thing other than Jordan and Cole to walk into her life. Ten minutes ago, she was laughing and enjoying her time with Cole without even realizing she was living on borrowed time. "No-" being in denial over her death that has just happened is big. It's something Jade would ever be able to get over. It's not everyday where you met someone and have a decade-long relationship just for it to end in a single night, completely.

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