Just a Dream: Dreams Come True

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This is part one of Just a Dream; Jade and Perrie oneshot.
This is a fevor dream brought to light from 2017—

Hearing the ding of the door opening, she glances at the back to spot some kids walking in. Not even looking for a childish game, probably here for the new releases of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. She scoffs as she made her way to the cardboard cutout of an adventure game character. Pauline Esquivel. The returning hero from the past two games.

Game to Life: The Sequel
The Land of LiMixia

Walking over to grab the new game, she held it in her hands as she made her way to the counter. Holding out the hopefully enough cash for the game. She waited her turn to pay for the game. Seeing the right amount of cash that is needed for the game. She tugged out another bill before sliding it all towards the man.

Cherry at the purchase of the game skipped all the way home. Excited to play the newly acquired game that is in her bag. Closing her eyes and humming the last game's theme song. She opened her eyes when she heard a car turn on beside her apartment. Glancing over, she spots her two friends waiting in their car for her.

Jesy and Leigh-Anne were the two friends waiting there. She waved at them as she held up the bag in her hands. She could hear their dissatisfaction from a mile away and she didn't have to wait another day there. Making her way over to unlock the door. She leaves it opens and slips her way to the living room. Sliding the bag down on the couch, she turned to look at the door.

Being single and 22 is great. No worries whether the door was left open by her boyfriend. She doesn't have one. Nor does she wish to have one again. She doesn't have to worry about anything at this age. It's an option to follow anyone's rules unless her friends are in the room. She is happy that they are concerned, but they are always concerned about the wrong things. Perrie knows when it's time to stop playing games.

Unlike some players who go days without showering and touching the grass. Unlike her, she knows her limits.

Her schedule for her everyday life is to eat breakfast first at eight o'clock am. Play games till it's three has lunch, then goes out to the park with her roommate. Then after that, it's eight in the evening, and she comes back to her hotel and has dinner. Then play games till it's noon and then sleep. Rinse and repeat at the same time, just on different days.

She starts the game as the loading screen shows a tower and lava below. Perrie looks at the clock to see it was a little over nine. As the loading screen was taking a while to load. She decides to see what's up in life and go on her phone. She saw many notifications coming from her messaging app. She opens it to see her mom was texting her.

Debbie: So honey I've got another guy. He's cute. He's into football and loves games.

Queen Pez: Mom. Romance ain't my thing and football! you mean soccer right??????

Debbie: I guess, soccer. His name is Alex!!!

Queen Pez: Still no.

Debbie: Fine... but promise me this. That you will find someone who will appreciate you for being yourself.

Queen Pez: Then you'll leave me alone?

Debbie: Not until I see a ring or some jobs. Then yes.

She didn't reply to her mom's last message because she is opening the game's case to see if it came with a manual.

Game to Life: The Sequel
The Land of LiMixia

She removes the manual packaging before turning the first page. The first page is the game introduction. It read, as Pauline, the bravest hero heads to the fallen kingdom of LiMixia to save the Queen's daughter from the villain, Simon. Along the way, she finds many new friends and family.

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