Just a Dream: Bubblegum Tea

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This is part two of Just a Dream; Jade and Perrie series.

Just come closer, love. Who's stopping you? Certainly not your mother or father. Come. I know you want what I want. Stop beating around the bush. We both wanted this for so long. Our minds were so cracked. We wanted comfort in each other's arms but didn't want the other to know. Because we were too shy, too scared to think the other would leave. I want you to stay with me tonight.

Don't rush away. Keep me close to you. We don't have to grow up. Join me. Eternity is close when you choose me. Just stay the minute.

Don't go-

The splashing of water brings Perrie out of her dream. Snapping her eyes open at the sudden coldness of the water, she glares at her friends who decided on grabbing the key from behind the window sill. A pitcher is in her right hand and the other hand is on her hip.

"Finally! She is awake!" Jade shouts as she walks over to the bed. Sitting on the edge.


"You were either having a dream, nightmare, or a wet dream. One of those three."

"For how long?"

"Just the night and morning, why? Was it a good one?" Jesy prodded as she sat beside Leigh-Anne on the chair.

Perrie remembers the dream. She was about to kiss someone. But that person remained anonymous. Unless she would choose someone to be the one. It would be Jade Amelia Thirlwall. She dreams of kissing Jade. The lassie caught the attention of Perrie the minute they crossed eyes at the X-Factor. She immediately knew they would be something.


"Come on. Get up or else we'll be late for the show tonight." Leigh-Anne says as she pulls Perrie out of bed. Perrie groans before getting up. She then craves something sweet like Jade's kisses.

Perrie gets out of bed only to go take a shower. Her clothes were sticking to her from the water. Being wet is not good. Getting sick isn't even better since she hates being cold. Coming out of the shower thirty minutes later. She wraps a towel around her body and clutches the towel to keep from exposing herself to her bandmates. Slipping into her normal wear and some slippers.

Her mouth felt sweet. A sensation to fulfill her craving. She needed something sweet to cancel out the sweetness. Maybe something sweet will help her. Something she's not able to have daily. Glancing around the apartment, she sought out a solution. Her best friend was by the kitchen. Stirring something on the stove. The perfect person for her problem.

"Perrie! Jade! Leigh-Anne!" Jesy shouts from the kitchen. That could only mean one thing, she either made sweets or some new type of biscuits. Walking down the stairs, she held a brush in her hands. Brushing her hair as she looks over to find Jesy by the dining table. An unknown feeling crowded her stomach. Knots forming. Butterflies roaming. Are ants in my pants?

Biting her lower lip, she looks over at how Jade cooked. She knows she isn't pregnant because why hook up with a guy? She hasn't even been with anyone in the past couple of months due to the last man being a lying cheater.

"G' morning," Leigh-Anne says to Jesy as we walk to our chairs by the dining table. Pulling out her phone, she watches as Jesy smiles.

"I'm off on a road trip. Momma Nelson needs me for some surprise!" Jesy gleams as she kisses us on the cheek.

"Where's Jade?" Leigh-Anne questions us as she glances at me. Looking back at the stove. It is still on with something boiling inside of it.

"Water?" Perrie asks as she looks at Leigh-Anne. She nods as she runs up the stairs to find the water guns. It is one way to wake up Jade or to tame her like a cat.

Getting up from the chair, she looked at what Jade was making. It is her traditional bubblegum tea. She went to go and look for that sticky note Jade made to make that tea. Found the note beside the stove. She nods her head as she finds out that Jade already brought out all of the ingredients. She felt her heart drop when she felt hands wrap around her waist.

"Morning?" Jade greets as she watches the fear subdued from her eyes. Still, Jade hung behind her body. Unable to greet her eye to eye from not wanting to be sprayed with the water guns.

"Morning?" She whispers as she spots Leigh-Anne with water guns.

"I am not ruining my hair today!" Jade whispers, shouting as she ducks down and hides behind the cabinet.

"Perrie, have you seen Jade?" Leigh-Anne inquires as she looks around the kitchen but not behind the cabinet.

"She went back to her room after she stirred the pot?" She lies as Leigh-Anne smirks to herself.

"Alright. I got her. I'll be back, Pez!" Leigh-Anne shouts as she makes her way back upstairs.

"Crazies!" Jade exclaims as Perrie puts the bubblegum inside of the cup before pouring the drink in and giving Jade one.

"Sweet... but this is not sweet enough. Hmm." Jade says, looking around.

"Hachi!" Perrie shouts as he comes running over to us. She looks to see Jade see her shaking her head no.

"What else is sweet?" She asks Hatchi as he just barks in response.

"I wish I could speak to the dog," Perrie said as Jade was smiling.

"You are sweet are you not?" Jade asks as she sits on the counter.

"I don't know. Do I look like a gummy bear?" Perrie jokes as Jade takes in what Perrie is wearing.

"You are a gummy bear. I mean, you were in my dream." Jade says as Perrie chokes on one of the bubblegum.

"You alright?" Jade asks as she looks at Perrie with concern plastered all over her face.

"You had a dream of me?" Perrie says as she drinks the soft part of the drink.

"Yeah, no biggie. Jesy and Leigh-Anne were there so..." she says as she jumps down before placing her drink down.

"How about a kiss? Is that not sweet?" Perrie asks her as Jade looks at her.

"Hmm. Maybe. Wanna try?" Jade says as she walks closer to Perrie.

"Or what-" Perrie is cut off by her lips landing on hers.

"Or that will happen," Jade says as she gives me the smug look. Looking as if she just landed the biggest mine. Perrie smirks as she looks towards the upper floor.

"Leigh-Anne! Jade is down here!" Grabbing hold of Jade, she took her by surprise. Leigh's screams could be heard miles away. Running down the stairs with the water gun in her hands. Already shooting streams of water toward Jade, hitting Perrie. There was no way of hitting Jade without hitting her.

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