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[ Flower shop ]

Surprisingly I.M was picking flowers really well. Until Xion realized why and the moment he realized, he spoke up.

"Shall we go visit my brother?" Taking Xion by his hand yet again, leading them out the shop to the bus station.

While waiting for the train, the atmosphere got awkward until I.M spotted Xion shivering beside him. "You cold? Here, have my jacket." Helping him put on the jacket as Xion held the flower. "You should've told me you were cold. I would've given you my jacket a long time ago."

"I didn't want to bother you with it." Xiom mumbled, handing the flowers back to him.

"My brother wouldn't want you to freeze to death. He would kill me. Besides, I wouldn't want you to get sick either." Bringing Xion closer to him as they board the train.

"Why don't we drive there? It would be so much faster than the bus." Xion complained.

"No. Public transportation is better besides one less car in the roadway. Better for the planet." He replied with no emotion in his face.

Once they were seated, I.M continued. "Your mom told me you haven't visited my brother recently. Why not?"

"Huh?" Xion was surprised that his mom would have told him that.

"You must be really busy, huh? It's ok, we can visit him now. Never too late." With a hint of sadness.

"Hey, hyung, it's ok. He's not mad at you. It's not your fault." Xion rubbed his back to comfort him. The first time showing any affection to I.M since he showed up at his house.

"You're right. You look tired, you should take a nap. I'll wake you up when we arrive." Gently putting Xion's head on his shoulder.

"Xion. Xion." I.M called softly but it was useless. He sighed, rolling his eyes, "You asked for it. Doongdoongie wake up, we're here!"

Xion groaned at the ridiculous nickname, "Ok ok I'm up."

"Hi Wonho-ah. Miss me? You probably don't." I.M awkwardly laugh with an unknown expression. Shortly tears welled up in his eyes.

"You ok?" Xion looked up, rubbing his back.

"Yeah, it's just been so long, that's all. It didn't really hit me that I'm visiting him until standing here. It feels so unreal. I just miss him so much, you know." The two of them fell into silence before Xion spoke.

"Yeah I know. I miss him too." The two of them fell into silence soaking in the moment.

"Oh, did you put this here?" I.M pointing at the three lollipops that still stood there which survived all the wind and rain.

"Yeah, I just thought he would like some sweets." Nodding as he stared at it.

"Do you have any with you? I'm sure he'll like one."

"Mmm yeah I do." Shuffling through his backpack, pulling out three lollipops. Putting one on Wonho's spot then giving one to I.M but I.M shoved it into his pocket instead of eating it, then sticking one into his own mouth.

The three stood there in silence once again before Xion finally spoke. "You know, to answer your question back on the bus. Yes, I have been busy but I've put a lot of thought into it as well. I don't think he (Wonho) wants us to keep worrying about him. I-I think he wants us to move on." This is the first time Xion said this out loud to someone. Hoping to have a good response since it was his brother but it was the opposite of what Xion thought.

"What are you talking about? We can't just forget about my brother. He did so much for you. We can't just forget about him. Who have you been hanging out with at school?" I.M voice turned cold. Even his eyes changed into a darker shade of brown. "We should be visiting way more than we are now. We can't just move on like this."

"That-that's not what I'm trying to say." Xion started as he watched him scoff and walk towards the bus station where they saw the bus slowly approaching.

"Are you coming or not? If you miss the bus, it's not my fault." Walking as he felt Xion running behind him.

Fortunately Xion was able to get on the bus before the bus took off. Although he almost wished he had missed the bus watching I.M being so cold was really off. The rest of the ride was completely silent until they reached a stop where he got off and Xion was still on the bus to his own house. 

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