Chapter ten || Well this is awkward

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Abigail reacted pretty well considering everything. I was expecting a lot more screaming, maybe a little hitting as well. She just walked off without a word, why? That was her one chance to get back at me to do something awful while she had the chance. I wonder why she didn't take it? 

I know I shouldn't be complaining it could have been a lot worse. It should have been though, I should be treated exactly the way I treated her. So why wasn't I? 

The next few days I lay low, though news of my arrival spreads like wildfire in such a small town. In all honesty I'm not hiding from the rumors, I'm hiding from Abby. Just because she was understanding last time, doesn't mean she will spare me next time. 

"You should get out of this house. It will do you some good." Lucy tells me placing a homemade grilled cheese in front of me. 

A moan escapes me as I take a bite. Oh, have I missed her cooking! "It's not like I can really do anything with a broken arm." 

"Broken arm or not, you are here living under my roof. You will find something to do with your life. At least until you decide to leave again. 

It's just one blow after another. Lucy has always been stern with me but this is a new kind. I don't want to get on her bad side, but I'm tired of being criticized by the only person I have left. I know I made mistakes she doesn't have to keep rubbing them in my face. 

"I didn't have to come down here." Pausing I look her in the eyes, "in fact I could still leave." 

A thin smile works it's way onto her face. "And go where Nathan? You were stupid, and in doing so you got hurt. That's all your fault stop pinning your problems on other people." 

No matter how badly I wanted to blow up on her. I grew up with her to know when I should let an argument go, and this was most definitely one of those times. Her staring me down with the gentlest look, and me growing calmer by the second. 

"Look I love you, you are my grand baby and I would do anything for you. But I will not sit by and watch you throw your life away." 

That's how I end up job hunting the next day. I majored in sports education in college, not ever thinking I would actually go into it. My goal was pro baseball and I achieved that and never looked back. That's why my first stop is the high school to see if they have an opening for gym teacher, or coach. 

Of course, they don't, I already suspected that when I went to decided to go. Coach Williams the same person who got me to college, then the pros. The same guy whose daughter I dated all throughout college, then broke her heart. 

"Nathan is that you?" 

Speak of the devil himself. Coach Williams looks exactly the same, just a lot more wrinkles and grey hairs. "Hi," what am I thinking? I can't just say hi like nothing happened! I broke his daughters heart for crying out loud. 

"How has life been treating you?" 

He knows they all know about my injury by now. Why is he being so nice to me? It's weird first Abby, now him. What the hell is going on with this town? "Oh, you know a little this, a little that. Right now, I'm looking for a job." 

"I take it you are having no luck?" 

Shaking my head I say, "not many people want someone with a broken arm." 

"I know a few places that are looking if you are interested? One of them is bound to take you." Staring at him mouth agape I consider not letting help me, after all I don't deserve it. 

"What's wrong?" 

" offense Mr. Williams, it's just why are you being nice to me?" I wait for him to talk when he doesn't I continue, "I was an awful person to Abby. I don't deserve any sympathy from you or your family." 

"No, you don't." He considers what he's going to say next. "But Nathan people make mistakes all the time. And they learn from them, I can't speak for my daughter. She will have to forgive you on her own, but you have no judgment from me." 

His words shock me into silence. He's forgiving me, he's a better man then I will ever be. It's been five years and I can't even forgive myself, yet here in front of me is the person I looked up to the most. I know I upset him in what I did yet he's forgiving me just like that. 

"You didn't hear this from me, but I hear the Louise Robyn's over at the grocery store is looking for workers, if I were you, I would start there first." 

"Thanks." With a quick pat on the back I'm out the door, and making my way to Robyn's egg grocery. 

Much like most businesses in town, Robyn's egg grocery has been around for a while. Lou Robyn's is now the owner passed down to her by her father. I used to work here part time back in high school. 

"Well, if it isn't superstar Nathan Scott." Lou says sarcastically as soon as she sees me. We didn't exactly get along well back in the day. 

"Hey Louise," I say just to annoy her. "What do you want?" She asks looking just as annoyed as I thought. 

"I'm looking for a job..." 

"No," she says walking away from me. Ok, maybe I shouldn't have used her full name which she hates. "Come on Lou. Won't you make an exception for a dear old friend?" I give her my saddest look. 

"Fine, but the second you get on my nerves or bother me you are fired." 

"I won't bother you I promise." 

"Good because I'm in need of a good home delivery person." 

"What's that," I laugh. "A person who makes home visits? I didn't take the grocery store to be so kinky." She rolls her eyes, then glares at me warning me not to start. "Sorry..." 

"It's our new home grocery delivery. I have been looking for a good candidate, and oddly enough you fit that. So, today's your lucky day Scout." 

Scout seriously? I thought those days were behind me. "Don't call me that." I say remembering the way everyone laughed, and called me that in middle school. "Don't call me Louise." I nod agreeing to put our past in the past. 

"Here," she hands me a robins egg blue vest with the logo on the back. "You wear this while working. You start next week until then enjoy your time off." 

Well, that was easier than I thought. I pull out my phone to text Lucy that I got a job. It's already lunch time, and come to think of it I haven't eaten all day. Val's is across the street, and it's probably the logical option for getting food around here. 

Me getting a job at the grocery store reminds me a lot of high school. When I would work there after school, and baseball practice to earn some extra cash. Every Monday, Thursday, and Friday I would tell Lucy I would grab food at Val's since it was closer. 

But the real reason the reason I haven't told anyone about was because Abigail would work there those days and back then, and I had the biggest crush on her. She of course didn't acknowledge my existence until college though. Pushing the door open the welcome bell rings. 

"I will be right with you." A familiar voice says, and I smile. Just like old times. 


Uploaded twice this week because I love y'all, and why not? Hope y'all enjoy this chapter. Chapter ten is finally here and things are about to heat up. Especially in next week's chapter...😉   What do y'all think about Abby's father forgiving Nathan? 

If you're enjoying my book All in the Game. Please click the star and share your thoughts in the comments. I will update chapters every Wednesday  so be on the lookout.–Morgan 💕

And to enjoy even more bookish content and get even more info for my stories follow me on TikTok and Instagram: moe_lovesbooks 

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