~:Chapter 5:~

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Yuki felt eyes on her as she traveled through the lunchroom behind the twins. She often caught students' gaze when she looked around, who would quickly look away. These felt more like looks of worry, unlike the eyes of judgment she received when she traveled through the cafeteria with Scott. It was strange; they were grays, yet, everyone seemed terrified of them. It could only mean that queen Vanessa or whoever they were referring to must have at least some reputation in the school. It only made her more nervous the more she thought about it.

One gaze she caught seemed particularly worried. Immediately, she recognized that massive white bow that tied her pink hair back into a long ponytail. Amelia stared at her with wide eyes, mouthing the words: "What are you doing?" Yuki responded to her with a shrug and a shake, communicating that she had no idea what was going on.

Soon enough, Yuki saw where the girls had led her to. Sitting at a table surrounded by numerous girls was that girl in her class, whose outfit was reminiscent of Marie Antionette, just a bit more modernized. Her light purple ruffled dress, recorded with golden bows, reminded her a lot of the queen of France, yet, it was cut out in the front, revealing a golden-colored skirt and exposing her legs which adorned a purple fishnet. The girl turned out as Yuki neared, causing her long golden curls to head into place by an enormous pastel-purple bow to swing off to the side, hitting a girl next to her. She smiled as they neared.

"Queen Vanessa, we have brought the new student." The left twin said.

"Good, good, You two may go away now; I don't need you." She waved them off.

"Yes, queen." The right one said, and together they quickly walked off from the table, their heels clicking.

"Hello there." Vanessa waved to Yuki.

"Uh... Hi?" Yuki responded, raising an eyebrow, which caused a cacophony of giggles behind Vanessa. She immediately put her hand up, and the girls fell silent. Rolling her eyes, she turned back to Yuki. "Did you... need something from me?" Yuki asked, confused as to why she was here. Immediately, the girls behind Vanessa gasped in shock.

"Would you all shut up?!" Vanessa glanced over her shoulder, hissing with a sense of aggression. The girls jumped in fear and fell silent once more. "Good." She said, turning back to Yuki and smirking at her once again. "Come, sit," Vanessa said, eyeing one of the girls next to her, immediately moving over to the bench. 

"Oh, no, I'm fine standing. Thank you, though." Yuki said.

"No, no, I insist." Vanessa stared at her; her smile quickly faded away. Yuki hesitated for a second, glancing around at Vanessa's clique, who seemed to stare back. Finally, she gave in and sat down at the table. "Now, let's get one thing straight. I don't need anything from you, but you need something from me." Vanessa said, swirling a straw around in a bright pink-colored drink. Yuki looked at her, confused as to what she meant.

"I'd hate to see a newbie as you go down the right path, so out of the kindness of my heart, let me give you some advice." She explained. Yuki raised an eyebrow at her, wishing she'd get on with the point.

"So kind." One of the girls said.

"What kind of advice...?" Yuki asked.

"Stay away from that teacher's pet..." Vanessa stared at her.

"Excuse me?"

"Let me clarify. That girl over there with the purple hair, stay away from her. If you know what's best for you, you'll do as I say."

"Rebecca?" Yuki asked, stunned. "What, why?"

"Poor girl doesn't have a clue." Vanessa sighed, causing the girls behind her to giggle. "From one classmate to another, you can't trust her if your life depended on it." Yuki stared blankly at her. "To put it simply, she's a snitch. You can't trust anything she says without her going on and telling that old hag." Vanessa explained. Yuki gathered that the "Old hag" must've been Ms. Owens.

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