~:Chapter 20:~

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"Good evening, everybody! This is the lovely Sarah Donis coming to you live from the Winchester communication hub. How are you all doing tonight?" 


"Ah, I almost forgot! I am here with Diaz as well, here to bring you the most up-to-date recap of the Winchester game so far!" 


"Our tale begins with transfer student Yuki getting a bad grade on her final test! OH NO! Luckily, she gets to participate in our wonderful game!"


"Yuki teams up with a gray! Can you believe that?"


"Me neither! Anyway, he dies. So, she runs into the mysterious bad boy Jake."

"So mysterious."

"Soon, the duo discovers the corpse of Rebecca. It was heartbreaking... A shame she didn't last much longer. As Yuki's on the verge of a breakdown, her knight in shining armor saves her, and the two escape to the Athletics building, where they are surrounded and captured by the football team, only to reconnect with an old friend."

"Meanwhile, our fan-favorite Amelia searches for her lost love, searching far and wide. Being rescued by Danielle, the two team up to search for their other halves. So romantic? Don't you think?" 

"Yep! I wish I had that."

"Don't we all. Finally, the duo comes across the queen of Winchester, Vanessa herself. Begging Danielle to kill her, Danielle does not oblige, leaving her alive. Yuki and Jake plan to escape the football team in the Academics building. Meanwhile, a mysterious boy enters, coming across the soccer team. Who helps them with their plan. As Yuki and Jake's plan reaches the climax, the clash between the soccer team and the football team occurs in the gym. Leading our protagonists to flee to the science building!"

"Tune in tomorrow to see our recap of day two! It's been a pleasure! Good night everybody! Sarah Donis out!" 

* * * 

The boy's nose twitched from a droplet of water hitting him directly into the face, traversing down the side as it tripped onto his gray shirt. Drowsy, the boy slowly opened his eyes. His vision was blurry, and his head remained cloudy. Not sure where he was or how he got there. He attempted to raise his hand to wipe his eye but found unable to move it. Something had held it in place, restricting him from movement. Strangely enough, his other hand seemed to be free. He attempted to stand up, yet, he couldn't move. Panic set in as his heartbeat in his chest; he blinked a few times to clear the haziness of his vision.

The room was dark, aside from a singular overhead light that illuminated the metal chair he sat on. One arm was wholly strapped to the chair with a metallic ring, which, as much as he attempted to wedge his fingers into the gap, there was no hope of it coming loose. He struggled in the chair, trying to kick his legs, yet, it felt like something stuck them in place.

He could feel his chest tighten as he panicked like a giant cobra was constricting him. He couldn't move, something that terrified him. He continued to flail, banging against the chair. Loud metal clangs echoed off the walls of whatever terrible dungeon he was locked in.

He attempted to suck in as much oxygen as possible, taking a deep breath to calm himself down. As he felt his heartbeat slow, he tried to recollect his memories of how he got there, yet, to no avail. All he could recall was himself being in the game and attempting to hide out in the science game. Everything after that was a complete blur.

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