~:Chapter 63:~

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Yuki watched as it raised the sledgehammer. She watched it intently, watching as it swung towards her. At that moment, her adrenaline kicked in, and she dropped to the ground, landing on her behind as the hammer swung over her head, colliding with an already dented locker. The door swung open before falling off and crashing to the ground next to Yuki, making her glance up at the locker as the hunter steadied itself.

Numerous unmarked bottles sat on the different shelves. Yuki immediately recognized them as alcoholic beverages from the shape. She attempted to reach for one but found herself being grabbed around the collar and lifted into the air. She choked for air as she struggled, thrashing her legs to kick away the steady hunter, which did not affect the towering mass holding her up in the air. She could hear her blazer tearing as she struggled, attempting to breathe in a panic. At that moment, she felt herself instinctively reach for one of the bottles, wrapping her fingers around it as she swung it as hard as she could. The bottle collided with the masked head of the hunter and shattered surprisingly well. The strong scent of alcohol filled Yuki's nostrils as she tumbled to the ground, taking deep breaths of air as the hunter steadied itself. She could tell she had only made it mad.

It held its hammer in two hands, raising it above her head. All she could do was look up at it, feeling her heart pound in her chest. She knew that if she didn't move, she would've ended up like one of the grays inside the building, having her brains splattered on the sledgehammer she stared at. Yet, she couldn't move.

Luckily for her, a gunshot rang out, and the hunter stumbled, allowing Yuki enough time to rise to her feet. She grabbed hold of another bottle and threw it at the hunter, which didn't do much aside from dousing it in solid alcohol. She soon realized it was pointless and instead began to back up as the hunter intensely locked onto her, walking after her as she frantically backed up, keeping her eyes on the approaching foe.

Another gunshot rang out, striking the hunter in the lower leg. It went down before another shot hit it in the back, making it spasm for a brief second. It lost interest in Yuki as it turned around, focusing on the more significant threat.

Jake stood down the hallway with a gun in hand.

"The head!" Yuki screamed. She wasn't sure how loud she was crying due to the ringing in her ears from the sound of the echoing gunshot.

"I'm TRYING!" Jake shouted back, or, at least, that's what she thought he had said to her. Despite being shot numerous times, the hunter speed-walked over to Jake, the sledgehammer held in both hands as it raised it.

Jake stood calm. Instead, he smirked. Strangely enough, he didn't fire. Yuki couldn't tell if he was out of ammo or if it was too hard to get a clear, effective shot, but, whatever it was, she could only watch as he stood completely still while the hunter rushed towards him. It took no time in swiftly raising its hammer as it ran at him like a charging bull, swinging the hammer with all its might.

Yuki watched as he slipped something out of his sleeve. She knew it was some small white box, enough to fit in the palm of his hand, yet, she couldn't make out any of the details. Instead, she helplessly watched as a bright light of a flame ignited from the side of the box, being held above his fingers. Mere seconds later, she watched as he flicked his fingers, sending the love floating through the air towards the hunter.

Yuki immediately understood what had happened as she watched the hunter ignite into flames. She was in awe at his quick thinking, not having a solid clue as to how he prepared that. How did he know it was alcohol? How did he know it was there? Yuki didn't know that Jake had picked up matches earlier by pure chance while making his way back to the room because the hallway was littered with random objects. Sure, he might not have used them, but it couldn't help to be prepared.  Once he saw the bottles, he knew he'd at least be able to put them to good use. Pure chance, sure, but it was good he came prepared. If not, he would've just led her away again. He could do it a second time if he lost her the first time. He was better off killing her, though. They couldn't complete their plan with her alive. It was much too risky.

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