~:Chapter 56:~

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"Shit!" Yuki hissed, slamming against the door. 

"S-She tricked us..." Claire muttered in pure horror. "We... We need to find her..." She whispered.

"No," Jake muttered.

"W-Why not?! She's dangerous!" Claire looked at him in disbelief.  "We can't just leave her there... What if she comes back?!" She asked him.

"She's not going to..." He muttered.

"What do you mean?"

"She's probably long gone by now; otherwise... why else would she give us her weapons?" Jake asked.

"Shit... then that means they're not going to kill her..." Claire sputtered out. "Does that mean... everything she told us was a lie?"

"Not sure... I'd assume some of it was." Jake sighed. "Most of it was information we already knew..."

"So... It was just to build up trust..." Claire gasped.

"Open the door!!" Yuki hissed, slamming her balled-up fist against the door. She backed up, her black dress ruffling as she moved. "Help me!" Yuki turned to the others as she tapped on the keypad again, hoping it would light up.

"The power's been cut." Jake sighed. "We can't get in."

"Amelia's in there! Catherine! Eric!" Yuki hissed. "We need to get in!"

"Yuki... We can't..." Claire sighed.

"So... you're just giving up?!" Yuki snapped back. "You're fine with leaving them in there?!"

"Yeah." Jake shrugged.

"W-What?" Yuki sputtered out as if she were appalled by his answer.

"I'm not exactly... happy with it." Claire sighed.

"Yuki." Jake sighed as he stepped over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "They're safe."

"How can you be so sure?!" Yuki asked. 

"We haven't heard any death announcements yet..." He muttered. "So, they're stuck. Sucks, but they're fine." He shrugged, taking his hand off her shoulder. "For now, we need to calm down."

"Hey..." Claire spoke as she stared down at the floor. "If Vanessa's dead... then who killed her?"

"I... don't know." Jake shrugged. 

"Okay, it must've been a trap, right?" Yuki asked. "Just like the one we were led into... well, partially led into."

"So someone lured her into the room, right?" Claire asked.

"It wouldn't be possible for any random player to do that... either it would have to be someone with connections, which we know exists... or..."

"Another staff member..." Yuki asked.

"It's possible, I mean, Nurse Isabelle has killed more than any of us..."

"I doubt that." Jake scoffed.

"Okay, well, more than most of us..." Claire said with a raised eyebrow, causing him to nod in agreement.

"Other than that... we have no clue who did it, so why bother figuring that out instead of trying to get them out!" Yuki grunted.

"I mean... is it worth getting them out?" Claire asked.

"Good point," Jake added on. "If another staff member is hunting people down, maybe they're safer there.

"But..." Yuki opened her mouth for a rebuttal, yet, she couldn't think of anything. Instead, she just stood there, shutting her mouth as nothing came to light. She wanted to get her friends out, to free them from the room they were trapped in, yet, maybe Jake and Claire were right. Perhaps it was too dangerous for them to be out here, primarily if they were being hunted. Still, she couldn't help but feel like something was wrong.

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