~:Chapter 14:~

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Yuki felt all of the horrors and stress she had tried to restrain build-up inside of her, like a dam whose walls slowly began to crack, releasing all of the water in a massive explosion. All she could do was scream as tears sprayed out of her eyes, feeling like she would be dragged into the pits of despair.

Her intense sobbing made it nearly impossible to breathe. She couldn't see any scene in front of her through the waterfall of tears that rolled down her face onto the floor, mixing with the growing puddle of blood. Her chest was restricted as she gasped for air through the intense sobs, screaming.

A sinister sight covered the prestigious Winchester chest. In front of Yuki was a corpse, where its limbs sat twisted in unnatural and random poses. The face stared up at the ceiling, both mouth and eyes wide open as if they were taken by surprise. Beneath the head, however, was a growing pool of crimson that slowly soaked into the purple hair. Yuki felt all of the horrors and stress she had tried to restrain build-up inside of her, like a dam whose walls slowly began to crack, releasing all of the water in a massive explosion. All she could do was scream as tears sprayed out of her eyes, feeling like she would be dragged into the pits of despair.

She reached forward and poked the figure, recoiling as she felt it was still warm. She had been so close to finding her, yet, she was too late. It was the thing she was terrified of the most, being too late.  She covered her face with her hands and screamed a primal scream into it once more, a sound that sounded broken. One of which had so much pure emotion that she cast out into the world surrounding her, and she didn't even think about who would hear it. 

Her intense sobbing made it nearly impossible to breathe. She couldn't even see the scene in front of her through the waterfall of tears that rolled down her face onto the floor, mixing with the growing puddle of blood. Her chest was restricted as she gasped for air through the intense sobs, screaming.

She felt alone. So alone now. Like no one was there for her anymore. It felt like the darkness was closing in on her like she was ready to give up. She knew she wouldn't have lasted, and it was foolish even to think she would've. She could feel herself spiraling down and down as her thoughts drove her down, telling her that it was her fault. She should've tried to look harder. She should've been faster—all of these things repeated in her mind as she uncontrollably sobbed into her quivering palms.

Then, she felt a hand reach into the pits of the darkness to pull her out.

"We need to get out of here. Now!" He said, gripping her wrist. Before she even had a chance to comprehend what was happening, she felt pulled along. Not even sure if she was moving her legs to run, she was only aware of herself moving through the hallways quickly. 

She had stopped crying at this point. It was like all of the emotions had left her body, and she felt like a shell, where there was a big air pocket where they should be. All she could do was blankly stare into space as she was dragged along through the winding hallways. She avoided numerous groups of students as they ran and listened to the many death announcements which played. Finally, they entered a giant glass catwalk, where he took her to one of the many buildings that surrounded the backend of Winchester that sat amid the great Winchester forest, with trees going for miles and miles outside of the building.

Yuki glanced over her shoulder as she got dragged away. Behind her, she saw a group of boys deadset on catching them; she turned back over to the boy who had been carrying her behind and had only then realized the entirety of the situation. He had saved her. But why?

The two immediately slammed against the double doors, sending the doors flinging open. Together, the two ran into the large lobby area. Presently, the boy dashed over to one of the large red sofas that decorated the lobby's interior and began to push it straight ahead towards the door. He motioned towards Yuki, who nodded and dashed to the chair. Together, with their combined strengths, they blocked the door.

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