~:Chapter 34:~

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Groggily, Zach woke up. His vision was blurry, and his head felt foggy, like he had just been asleep. The rest of his body felt stiff, so he stretched out. At least, he tried to, but something prevented him from moving. He went to push his hand to rub his eye, yet, he couldn't. It felt like it was held in place by something he couldn't see.

Soon, the blur subsided, and he moved his head to the side, looking at his hand tied in place by a thick brown rope. He tugged on it, but to no avail. He grunted, turning to the side and realizing his other arm was held in place, and so were his legs. Trying to call out, all that came out was a muffled noise. He moved his lips, realizing that there was a piece of duct tape covering them.

The panic began to set in as he recollected his memories of how he got here. Yet, all he needed to do was figure out where he was. He looked around the room. Much to his dismay, many of the details of the room couldn't be made out. It was dark, aside from a single lightbulb above whatever surface he was lying on. 

He could feel his heart beating wildly in his chest, so he took a deep breath from his nose to calm himself down. Immediately, the scent of sawdust and wood met his nostrils. He grunted, struggling against his restraints, only to feel the rope rub against his skin, yet, he didn't care. He slammed himself against the table and grunted as loud as he could, hoping to gain the attention of someone.

He got his wish.

The sound of clacking footsteps approached, immediately causing him to fall still as he heard the sound of a click; then, a verticle rectangle of light appeared before him, causing him to squint from the brightness. 

When he opened his eyes, he was met with a feminine silhouette. The girl wore a long, ruffled dress, with her hair in a long ponytail behind her, with a massive bow holding it in place. She stepped forward, her shoes tapping against the floor as she walked until she came into the sight range of Zach.

She looked down at him; her red eyes, which he assumed were contacts, stared at him. Her mouth was permanently in the shape of a smirk, almost like she enjoyed seeing him tied up like this. She placed a hand on his chest, tracing a circle with her gloved hand, bringing it up to his throat, and then onto his cheek, before she quickly ripped the piece of tape off his mouth.

"W-Who the hell are you!?!" Zach immediately asked.

"Now, that isn't the way to talk to a lady." The girl giggled.

"Where the hell am I!?" He followed up with another question rapidly.

"Can't you see? You're the prey that has wandered into the spider's web... and I..." She paused, leaning in so close to his face that he could practically feel her breath against his skin. "I am the spider." She whispered before pulling back. "A black widow, if you will." She said, snickering to herself. "Except, instead, I like to play with my food." She said, sitting down at the table's edge near his leg. He stared at her, completely stunned, unsure of how to respond to that.

"W-Why? Why not just kill me?" He grunted out.

"Oh, dear, don't worry. I will." She snickered. Immediately, Zach's heart dropped. "I just want to make creatures like you suffer before..."

"Y-You're sick."

"No, you're sick. Your kind is... nothing more than monsters!" She hissed back at him. Zach looked up at her; he didn't know what she meant, yet, he wasn't sure if it was necessary. She was unhinged. Perhaps the game had done it to her, or maybe she was always like this, harboring the dark secret of being a psychopath underneath, he couldn't say, but he knew there was no reasoning with her, yet, maybe it wouldn't hurt to try.

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