~:Chapter 27:~

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"Purple trial. Hysteria"

Mikey slammed on the metal door, clawing his way out, not even caring that it was rubbing the tips of his fingers raw, causing them to throb in pain. He begged for freedom, screaming until he could feel his voice go hoarse. The panic had set it, realizing he was locked in here, like stuck in a tomb. He spun around fast enough to nearly knock him off balance as he stared at the flickering light in the darkness.

"Make it to the end of the wire hallway to obtain your vaccine." 

He could barely comprehend the directions, even as simple as they were. His chest shuddered, rising and falling from the fearful breaths as he felt himself shake. The lights buzzed to life, revealing an open, long room. 

From the furniture laid against the wall, it seemed to be some elongated warehouse room, with numerous rusted metal shelves lining the wall, each with numerous packages either spilled out onto the floor or stacked high up on the wobbling shelves. However, what his gaze focused on most was what sat in the middle of the room. 

Stretching out about ten feet in width and being over six feet in height, a giant metal cage stretched to the back of the room, at least twenty feet in length. To him, it looked like a vast elongated crate you'd put a pet in, yet, the most concerning factor of all was the spider web of glistening wire which filled the interior.

He stepped closer,  realizing that there was something bright green in color at the end of the crate. He quickly walked around the side, racing to the end of the container, realizing that it was a small syringe hanging from the top of the crate with a wire. He smiled, attempting to reach his skinny arm through the bars, yet, no matter how hard he pushed, even to the point where he felt like his arm would pop out of its socket.

He grunted, pulling it back and staring at it in dismay. The only path was going through the cage. Without wanting to waste another minute, Mikey ran around to the front of the cell, feeling his heart pump in his chest with anticipation. In front of him sat one of the hundreds of glistening wires. A sense of curiosity took over him as he slowly reached out his finger, brushing his skin against the surface of a wire.

Immediately, he recoiled, stepping back and looking at his finger, seeing a sizeable red slit form and a droplet of blood beginning to trickle down from it. His eyes widened, and his heart beat faster, feeling like it would explode in his chest. He felt his breath rapidly increase, feeling a pit-like sensation in his stomach as he stared at the hallway of wires.

He stepped closer, then stepped back. He did it again, then again, trying to find the courage to continue, yet, there was nothing there to see. He paced back and forth, taking deep breaths as he placed his hands on his head before looking at the hallway again, shaking it off, and walking.

Whatever was inside him needed to come out; he didn't know what it was doing to him physically wise. It could even be destroying his organs as he knew it, which wasn't a good enough reason to beat the raging fear that gripped him like strings on a puppet. It felt like he was being controlled; his actions were no longer his own, controlled by a terror inside him. He closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down.

What Yuki had told him flashed crossed his memory, reminding him that he needed to get over his fear to survive, and so he nodded. He gripped his fists, taking his first step into the hallway. Ignoring the temptation to turn back, his heartbeat harder and harder in nervous anticipation, he stepped over yet another wire, his pant leg grazing it as he moved forward. At this point, he was deep enough where wires surrounded him. Every time he turned his head, he was face to face with yet another one.

 He stepped back in surprise, and immediately, his lower calf came into contact with a wire, directly slicing into his leg. He yelped, stepping forward and bumping into another one with his arm. He spun around, immediately grazing his arm against another one. His heartbeat was hard, and his breath fastened as he felt like the cage was closing in on him; every time he moved, he came into contact with yet another wire, feeling another sharp pain ring out in another part of his body.

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